
It’s a good question, but I think it’s also something that can be studied by going outside of the USA. As a Canadian on the prairies, I never feared for things like that in school. We had fire drills that showed us where to go, and how to act in an emergency, and sure, that instilled a little bit of fear, but it was

Even if someone were to be lower on the list of candidates, if they have a different viewpoint or perspective, it’s just as or more important. If anything one person lower on the list with these viewpoints can inspire an entire team even if they can’t do the work as great solo, rather than a bunch of amazing people

Ok so like Greed Island from Hunter X Hunter.

There’s no reason for the blond version, he is tanned with red hair. This just means more people need to fanart red ver. Let’s get to it.

It was a hat.... a wizard hat.

Without knowing which is which, one side has better faces and details, but also has worse backgrounds, like the perspective is off in a lot of them, which isn’t the case in the other side. o_O;

I dunno, I’m still excited for it. I think the reaction in the video is one he’s constantly having in the game for lesser surprises, and if it’s the first time he’s found out she’s trans, I think that’s an alright reaction. I would assume with how the rest of the game plays out whatever happened that night he doesn’t

I like map rotation, I think it’s neat. But the Salmon Run stuff is really annoying. You can’t play at all at certain times, and I didn’t know that, set aside time to play Splatoon and couldn’t access it, with no reason in the game as to why that was. Without googling it, I still don’t know when it is accessible or

Pikachu looks too close to the figure that came in the PikachuEX box with the Generations boosters, and Mew looks like he was ripped off his Mew/Mewtwo figure from the 20th Anniversary Generations Collector Box. I’ll take the Eevee and the Magikarp though.

Looks like Adventure Time’s game... o_O

Just sounds like No Man’s Sky’s gameplay. A really pretty exploration game.

So because I’ve caught so many dang ground type pokemon, I’ll be able to find and catch more ground type easier... great. All I needed was 100's of more geodudes to add to the geodude graveyard. @_@;

The playstation version has never had the kind of features the Steam version has had. That’s always bothered me a bit.

It was fine to play without the websites when the nearby showed correctly. When that’s fixed I won’t mind the sites going down.

“We know that the game’s Pokéstop locations were selected by users of other Niantic or Google products but we can’t hope to understand the system of human psychology that led to some locations being selected and some not.”

In Ingress you could make portals. Portals had to be public places that were of some interest.

Pokemon’s moves matter just as much as it’s CP, I think. I’d rather keep a lower CP Pokemon and level it up with candy, than a higher CP Pokemon that cant fight as well. The CP potential is always the same. It’s dependant on your characters level, not the Pokemon’s. So a CP85 Ponyta and a CP450 Ponyta will both max

I would totally buy one of Knives if they made one.

Out of all of the possibly games.... WHY MONOPOLY?! This monopoly retheme trend is seriously getting out of hand. I actually thought months back that FF7 would be a great retheme for Specter Ops - destroying the Mako reactor while the Turks go after them. But this? Disappoint.

I prefer the 90's/00's more than the 2010's