Also, an article of yours just ran with the title “I Now Pronounce These Two Allowed to Fuck” about Ciara and her fiancé...right after an article about a Black man dying in the street.
Many thoughts can happen concurrently. Brains are incredible like that.
Then why did your colleague include that in her article, Sis?
It seems kind of glib to me after the Trainwreck shooting but maybe I’m over thinking things...
for more attention. I mean more awareness.
Apparently “geometric patterns” is a culture. It is populated by those people in your math problems who buy 70 watermelons and leave Dallas on trains travelling 60mph.
Do the people who write these breathless thinkpieces realize that if Sanders does get the nomination, we’re going to be hearing him say “I’m a socialist” on a near-constant loop for five months in ads? Do people really think he’s going to survive this wringer that supposedly Hillary can’t?
Nobody has considered what a real Trump Sanders fight would look like, because the GOP has kept mum on Sanders hoping to face him in the general. Hillary has played nice as well, saving her criticism Trump.
I can’t take any article seriously that says Trump has “few weaknesses” and claims even a Sanders nomination would provide only “a better chance” of beating Trump. Trump has been able to win barely more than half of the Republican Party, he stands no chance at winning the majority of Americans. And if we keep…
My beef is that the Bernie side seems to think because they’re louder, they’re in charge. They celebrate victories that go their way and then stomp around about how unfair the votes that didn’t come to them are. Now they want to lead the conversation about the general election? They lost.
It’s certainly bad insofar as the media is perpetuating the idea that the primary is competitive, when Bernie is actually in the same boat as Ted Cruz at this point. The end result is that supporters are propped up with expectations of victory, and instead end up shellacked by the heavily-predicted double-digit loss…
I dunno. I’d guess that she and her campaign have made a strategic decision that money spent in Indiana now would best be saved for the general, since the math is fairly inevitable as to who’s going to be facing Donald Trump in November. So she and Bernie split the Indiana delegates 50-50 tonight, and not much…
Bernie has also proven on numerous occasions that you can outspend your opponent and still lose. Which was the case for him not long ago when he outspent Hillary and lost multiple times.
I contend, as a Bernie primary voter myself, that anyone who “refuses” to vote for Hillary in the general probably wouldn’t have even motivated themselves to vote if Bernie won the nom, anyways.
They’re feisty tonight.
Does anyone else fear that the constant awarding a “winner” and “loser” in votes that hand out delegate via percentage points, so really Bernie won 5-8 delegates more than Hillary (closing in on her by 5%, maybe? I don’t do math) but it revs up excitement about something that isn’t that huge of a win....anyways.....…
He was a partner in the Houston office of my law firm prior to running for Congress. Despite being largely conservative and Republican, everyone in the office (and the firm, generally) loathed him, so much so that to this day, no one wants to use his former office. It’s considered tainted.