Neco Ortiz

Well, I certainly don’t approve of what they did but you know, Republicans are always saying they want immigrants to really embrace the American way of life.

So good....

Too young to remember? You think there are a lot of 8 year olds reading Jezebel or something?

A woman named Angela Kipp

I want to quickly point out that of course of this woman’s actions were irresponsible and irrational—that’s the nature of phobia, an irrational fear that is debilitating. I have nearly done this for another reason (not spiders) and it’s horrifying. I’ve been locked in rooms by my phobia. Locked out of my house for

“Who in the name of responsible science is about to shake a roomful of babies to see what happens?”

It is bullshit, right? Everyone keeps on trying to make this a religious freedom fight. But, really, it’s a job fight. It boils down to this lady not willing to do her job. I don’t care whatever reason she gives. There is no excuse that should let her get away from it. Religion is used too much as an excuse to get out

#NineLivesMatter I will see myself out now.

LIVE! Killed LIVE and on the air! We now have people being MURDERED on live TV. We have CHILDREN being murdered in their classrooms. Nothing gets done. We, as a country, through our inaction have said this is A-OKAY. Just another day in the beautiful United States! Let freedom ring and god bless America and her guns!

I’d make fun of her but I am a terrible speller. Now is the time to pull this story out. I had a great Aunt (born sometime in the 1930’s in Texas) named Lasagna. Pronounced La Zag Na

Now playing

This may not be the best to watch in the office or in public:

White gorillas, always trying to make it about them

Nah, you’ve heard what the Right’s been saying all along. It’s now mandatory. All straight marriages are hereby voided, and everyone has 60 days to find a person of the same sex to marry. The Gay Agenda is at last complete!


Is this just mantasy?

Can we focus on the police violence against these kids, actually?

Why is Adam Sandler.