Yeah I’m pretty sure we’re all saying ew because of the RAPE, not because old people.
Yeah I’m pretty sure we’re all saying ew because of the RAPE, not because old people.
I think the “eww” is about rape, not about gross, old people sex.
You literally can't say, or do, anything these days without twitter erupting in outrage. It's the new normal.
She was originally going to go with Summer Eve, but decided that would be too douchey...
You know the best way to avoid shit like this? Don't have guns.
Bloody nose and lip pulling up my own bra strap. My hand slipped and I punched myself.
i am sorry, but i don't understand your 1st sentence
Oh Tommy. A very, very ancient Gawker Media law forbids commenters from asking questions like "who???" in comments because, as you so clearly know, if you're able to drop a comment into a post you are probably able to use this newfangled contraption known as Google. In the olden times, asking "WHO???" like a moron…
Ha, because locking up people for an attraction beyond their control in the way to go AMIRITE??
"Just sayin" -Evin Cosby
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
The monkey is standing on a see-no-evil monkey statue. I love everything about this.
This is Stella (isn't she GORGEOUS?) and she really, really fucking hates this pineapple.
I'm not a fan of shitting on poor folks either (welfare baby and trailer park kid here), but damn. The woman was feeding her babies pixie sticks and "go-go juice" - which apparently was Red Bull mixed with Mountain Dew. IT SAYS ON THE CAN ITS NOT FOR KIDS.
I have never had a boil, but if I did, I imagine it would look like Mama June.
Maybe I need to go to bed but I just found this obnoxious.
Sorry, I gotta call BS. I'm a kindred moon sister (12 day-long menses, clots that can be measured in in. vs cm, abandon all hope, ye tampons who enter here, etc). You'd absolutely inspect that knob before gobbling on a "heavy flow day", shower or not, if it just came out of your clot-cave.
This Thursday, the Nobel Peace Center will open the tenth annual Nobel Peace Prize Exhibition, dedicated to the 2014…