Neco Ortiz

Wait Wait Don't Tell me and This American Life (which spawned Serial and of which the first Serial podcast was an original episode that I listened to in my car live) are National Public Radio programs that have been around since the 90s. These aren't new, hip phenomena. Frankly I'm thrilled that podcasts of these

This reminds me of an episode of The Office where Creed wants to start a blog and Ryan opens up a word doc for him.

Believe victims, guys. Even if we don't like who they are as people, or they're "tryhards" or their art is dumb. Believe them.

Hate to blame the victim but you should have checked on all that ahead of time and planned ahead. Turkeys area big deal to deal with. I hope it turned out, maybe you are already in a food coma? Keep us posted.

Roseanne is pretty much the best worst. FTFY. Happy Dranksgiving, Mark!

"Does this mean you're going to stop calling me?"

"I shall avenge you!"