Aaaannd this is why I am against hunting for sport and trapping.
I have to disagree, I saw it as them wanting to add a little bit of an intersectionality aspect, as in the white dude gets discriminated and treated like shit but then he turns around patronizes the Muslim dude, talks down to him, assumes the superior position etc. I actually was surprised they added this. I'm…
I totally agree with everything you said here, but I just responded to a similar thought in another comment thread. After a second watch, I actually think that whole scene is a criticism of the white dude, not the Islamic dude.
Do we really need all the vitriol? Like every single person who is not up on trans culture and terminology, Morgan (and more likely, the guy who creates the graphics) conflated gender with sex. Mock could have taken it as a moment to be an ambassador for trans people and used the show as a platform to teach Morgan…
Just for the sake of discussion: how is this any different than white people who get bronzed, dyed, permed and augmented? Why do white people get to explore any and all looks, but black people are disgraceful if they do it too? Don't all ethnicities strive for a more homogenous look, not necessarily white?
I read an article saying that they were planning to kill 3000 dogs, which is horrible, and I'm glad 80 have been rescued. However, in this country we euthanize 2.7 million adoptable dogs and cats every year, despite the fact that this method does not help long-term animal control. Support your local no-kill shelter,…
Taco Bell is vegetarian heaven. ALL items can be vegetarian and DELICIOUS.
I don't see how this could have happened unless the cows were tightly stuffed into an unventilated barn for quite a long time. This makes me quite sad ):
You want to know that happened to the wolf?
Actually, Hitler would've been well advised to follow Phyllis's lead. Invading the USSR during winter was, as it turned out, a really stupid idea.
...Can I just eat well and exercise?
Cause that's been working pretty well for the last 10 years or so.
I was thinking of the Hitch as soon as I read the title. Good on you!
If she were a bionic super villain.
Terminal cancer patients in her hospital were denied pain meds. She was a fucking ghoul.
Honestly people, anyone who hasn't either seen this short film or read The Missionary Position and thinks that Mother Theresa was a wonderful person, please watch.
Her charity was and is directly involved in the perpetuation of poverty. And it isn't even accidental. She believed that poverty and suffering were ennobling, and ensured their victims a place in heaven.
So I'm going to just assume that this "approved" biopic will ignore her letting people suffer rather than give them pain medication, her hypocrisy in denying patients proper medical care while flying off to California clinics, her cozying up to dictators like Duvalier, her organization's forceful baptisms of dying…