Oh man! I had that same idea. Except mine was going to say "There is no mercy in this dojo!" Man you had the same idea for the leg sweep button too. I hope you win dude. Best of luck.
Oh man! I had that same idea. Except mine was going to say "There is no mercy in this dojo!" Man you had the same idea for the leg sweep button too. I hope you win dude. Best of luck.
I've been a huge Danny Baranowsky fan for quite a while now. I stumbled upon his work about 2002 or 2003 at OC Remix and tried to follow him whenever he popped up here and there. The guy does awesome work and it's cool to see him getting coverage on a site like Kotaku.
I meant to say American, I was just too lazy to go back and edit my post. My bad.
As long as it's purely Jet Set Radio, then I'm down to buy that. As much as I loved Jet Grind Radio, the Americanized tracks just had no place in that game.
I'm a little worried, my friend mocapped a few characters as well as doing a few voices in this game before it was canned. I'm sure a lot of his mocap work will be in there, but I have to be honest, I was looking forward to setting npcs on fire and hearing my best friend scream in agony. Something I haven't done to…
To be bluntly honest, I don't really like SOAD. Just isn't my cup of tea, but I'm not going to bash them or their music. That being out of the way, I don't see how anyone could have mixed it up if they ever heard Serj sing in the first place. There are some minor similarities, but that's where it ends. Well at least…
Thank you. However, because of this, new stipulations have been added to my dating a person. Such as dressing up as video game heroines on Halloween or being an active cosplayer. My ex ruined me. LoL
I had an ex who was a bartender. I had no idea she was into video games or even Final Fantasy (had been dating casually for about a month) for that matter until I visited her at work on Halloween. There she was, mixing drinks in a Tifa costume. Every man's Tifa related fantasies were realized for me that night after…
I've seen both the original and and the 2007 remake (which is the one you were referencing). The similarities are the fact that they're set in the wild west and they have cookie cutter wild west plots. Although I will say that the 2007 version is pretty spectacular.
Nevermind that RDR was in development since 2005 and that 3:10 to Yuma came out in 2007.
I rather have screwballs with hero complexes than some degenerate asshole holding me at gunpoint demanding I give him what I busted my ass earning any day of the week.
I'd like it better if they upped it to a four man squad instead of just two. Two just seems so limiting. Don't get me wrong, I dig the back to back against the whole world kind of thing, but I have more than one friend I'd like to play online with at the same time. If it can be done with zombies, it can easily be…
Yeah, I had just woke up so I wasn't running on every cylinder when I read that. It'll be great once it's out though since that's another project my buddy can put on his resume and IMDB.
Knowing one of the guys that did mocap for the game, I hope they don't shit all over it and change everything. Would suck to do all that work and have the project get canned just be brought back to be canned again. Anyway, it's good to see this game come back from the dead. I was actually pretty interested in it.…
You're not alone friend. Not by a longshot.
If you were wearing headphones, the level of euphoria experienced would have been either about or on par with sex. That's just how smooth it was.
@Platypus Man: Yeah, people are generally freaked out when you don't have an accent. Being from Ohio it's even more weird to them I guess. People ask me where I'm from and when I tell them they just look at me in disbelief.
I think the Phats had 512MB on-board RAM 512MB VRAM and 128MB of NOR RAM. The Slims then shipped with half the NOR RAM (64MB)while leaving the on-board and video RAM untouched. Memory is a bit fuzzy on the details.
Yes, yes, and a million times more yes. I still pull out my Dreamcast just to play that game from time to time.
The sad thing is, hardly anybody but maybe us will know exactly what you are referencing. LoL Good job BTW.