
You could be right about that. I've been following the submissions at Polycount for a while now and have loved the majority of the submissions there. Especially some of the stage submissions (especially the Bath House by JordanW). I have no idea why these kids are being as rough as they are over the submissions. And

Don't worry buddy. My girlfriend and I both feel your pain.

Hah, yeah, back when The Simpsons were still funny and entertaining. I think I may have to watch that one tonight.

She needs premium dude! PREMIUM! ...DUUUUUUDE!

That scene makes my girlfriend want to cry. It's a depressing as all hell.

If Reggie and that one boring lady from their E3 Keynotes are any indication, Nintendo isn't too keen on humor.

The Wii 2 logo that has been floating around is begging for a the same shop treatment the first one got. I almost want oblige and give it to it after these convos. LoL

I would love it if they could figure out a way to bring the NES name back into it. Nostalgia sells, especially to old farts like me.

The P-NES huh? Too easy to make phallic jokes with. Especially if you say it phonetically.

Wow, Gizmodo must be hurting for stories. Getting news from a site that just started up March 1st 2011 and not bothering to do any fact checking. Kotaku, you should update your post with info from [] .

Mike, I am so sorry. No man should have to suffer through this much Tester garbage. My condolences to you and your loved ones when your psychotic episode happens.

@jimfightsfortheusers: I think either one of those titles is deserving of an HD remake. Even though six is my favorite game in the series. But now that I think of it, both games would need a serious overhaul in all areas. Except battle system, my god I miss the old ATB systems.

@Taggart6: Are you looking at my Netflix playlist? Seriously, I just watched the first two movies today.

@Whizkid103: One where Gabe is still amazingly fat, but kind to console owners.

Oh bullshit. Bullshit to the Nth degree. Hacking and exploits are (and have been) nothing new on Modern Warfare 2. The game has been an astounding piece of garbage from the get go. Don't get me wrong, I love fun and mindless FSP games like everyone else. This game though, is just poorly made and easily exploitable.

@Andrew Frisbie: I'm glad I'm not the only one that heard him as Randal in my head. I think we got the total screw job on the voice actor they are currently using for Tycho.

@DocSeuss: I keep forgetting how corrections work here. You would think that lurking for years and commenting here and there that I would get it by now.

I'm surprised The Net didn't get an honorable mention.