He has really stepped up as an actor The Show is FUN.
He has really stepped up as an actor The Show is FUN.
Foundation? Not really. It has its moments, but they’re few and far between. For what it’s worth, I haven’t read the books, so I’m judging it on what it is, rather than what it’s not.
I haven’t seen the movie, but I’ll add it to my list. But yes, this is exactly what we are talking about. A movie like this is not what led to people embracing facism, but existed because people were embracing fascism and considering it as a serious alternative. Like you say, WW1 was seen as a chaotic mess created by…
We have been rewatching Babylon 5 and this point really hit me. Seasons used to be SO LONG. That show had like 24 episodes a season to just leisurely fuck around and spend a whole 45 minutes like idk detailing space boxing, or setting up an elaborate serial killer plot as an excuse for one character to deliver one…
Then they should also pull the bible from the school library. That thing has got all sorts of bad stuff in it.
Wait...people needed “justification” for a TV show to deviate from the source material?
Oh, man, if the people of the south are uncomfortable with hanging do I have a story for them...but I suppose that would be CRT! (/s)
I will never forget the time that I was arguing with a Reddit rando and they invoked the Vimes Boots Theory to try and justify their argument that poor people were just lazy, really, and that they “need to voluntarily lower their standard back down so as to build up resources that will let them raise their class.”…
Gene Roddenberry had a VERY strict outlook on how the show needed to be ran for it to make sense, and after he died, the producers decided to do a lot of things he was very against — like the Dominion War being a multi-season continuing saga, or making Starfleet the bad guys, etc. The writers wanted to break out of…
I would say that happened in ‘89 (or whenever season 3 started). I felt the first two seasons kind of sucked because it had too much of the corny dramatic TOS vibe. Maybe it was coming from the same nostalgia kick? I wasn’t around then.
Useless nerd fact , the later trek novels retconned the Eugenics wars into a cold wars style secret battle that the public werent aware of .
This is why:
It’s almost like space Lost
Bet they wish they had their feathers to keep them warm.
In defense of the IOC, the bribes were very large.
I guess the “dinosaurs were endothermic” guys were right.
At that point, Trek had habituated us to the concept of flickering deflector shield envelopes, so if a ship ever looked fuzzy on-screen, our brains just told us it was space dust or graviton particle beams bouncing off the main deflector dishes.
As much as I love The Expanse, I can’t help but be a little annoyed every time they’ve got a device that’s basically a piece of plexiglass with a light on the bottom. Who would ever want a clear screen, and why?
TNG era Star Trek is the best inbetween tech. like theres a lot of touch screeny stuff but theres still physical objects too. like if they came up with the Tricorder design today it could just be a iphone looking thing. just a screen theyd wave around. i havent seen any of the newer seasons of Discovery so dont yell…