
Oh man, so young. What a shame. First saw him in Fringe. Amazing actor. 

I’ll never forget seeing Everything Everywhere All at Once last March, sitting in a theatre with just a few people there too, with a mask on (safety and common courtesy at the time!), thinking, “oh my god, I hope even more people see this movie because it is one of the most insane and unique movies I’ve seen in

I want to see a 4 hour docudrama about the culinary history of Lembas bread.

If it was anything revelatory we’d have heard about it while they were busy making a documentary.  It’s just gonna be grainy gun camera footage and the same rotating cast of talking heads saying like “And obviously the ancient Egyptians knew.”  Bonus points if they mention the fucking Dendera light again.

Perhaps it makes sense then that, on reflection, as a new century begins and the Federation picks itself up from a period of crisis, that it wants its flagships to reflect an old era—a time of optimism and exploration.

This is all the promotion it will recieve. It will be decently good something you want to see continue and it will be cancelled so they can milk whatever “Downton House of Stranger is the new Blinders” spin off they mke.

My curiosity over and desire for a fifth and final season was very specifically to see where they went from there.

An audible original audio drama where no special affects need to be filmed would allow someone to just pay the actors, writer(s) and a hand full of others so that the narrative could be completed. The brits have Big Finish for shows the BBC has ended, it would be neat if Audible could do something like that for us

I think it’s fairly safe to say that a significant segment of the fandom just wants Aliens 2, and has wanted that for so long that it’s probably untenable. That was the movie that Blomkamp pitched to Fox almost a decade ago, which would have retconned the last couple of Ripley movies, and it ended up getting

i guess that’s one way to put “terribly written”

Because a lot of authors don’t need to put spoilers in their article when talking about the themes of the movie. And putting a spoiler alert on your article takes hardly any time and shows actual respect for your readers instead of your snide comment. 

I like ComradeDread’s idea of Skynet effectively carrying out a relatively bloodless Judgment Day where it seizes control. You could still have a terminator sent back in time to help John Connor defeat it, but instead of fighting another terminator, he’d be at odds with society and other resources being coopted

Nearly Six years.


Ah, I see that we’re getting “Saint Seiya: Evolution” now

Except that’s not what Yoda was doing. Yoda was trying to get Luke to clear his mind of doubt, which was clearly his greatest hinderance. “I don’t believe it. That is why you fail.” Yes, Yoda references the Force, but it applies in the real world too. Some of the best athletes in the world use visualization techniques

Many years ago in the early days of the internet, perhaps around 1998/99, I had a pretty neat email exchange with Greg Bear. I had reread Moving Mars and was really, really impressed with it. I somehow found his email online and sent him a short message saying something to the effect that “Moving Mars rocks!” Within

Being born in 88, I‘m too young to have any of these, but I did snag myself a Kenner “Bull Alien” toy for 30$ last time I went to a comic-con. I was fully planning on getting it out of the packaging as soon as I got home, but I could not get myself to do it. The packaging is just too nice looking. I’m thinking of just

I’m looking forward to the 2+hour “movie” that will make up for the lost season.

Five times the per-episode budget of Hannibal? Can’t we just have five more episodes of Hannibal instead?