Can we get something like Agents of The Shop TV series?
Can we get something like Agents of The Shop TV series?
We know that gibbons commanded high cultural value due to the considerable amounts of chi (energy) that they channeled—
Now I picture agent Coulson and his team clean up the mess after Slither’s ending.
So when do we get proper Alien 3?
That’s the whole point of Person of Interest.
Why did this gif remind me of the HYDRA branch from AoS Season 3?
Jurassic World 3: The Search for A Missing Rich Kid Again
Season 4 ended in a similar way. The whole team got abducted.
Trish’s mom
Only 50% in the short term 😏
They brought in easter eggs from an unrelated franchise but no MCU TV references.
You remind me of the time I built Lego sets with my brother.
Let me guess: The project goal isn’t to send humans to Titan. The goal is to create a new kind that can survive nuclear wasteland.
That would explain why the Earth was blown up in AoS.
Anyone here expects to see Alternate Georgiou running for Federation President later in the series?
Nobody noticed a big freaking hole that could collapse Manhattan either.
I think I saw this in the trailer.
The first paragraph is kind of a suicide trigger. Don’t get me wrong, you wrote it so well.