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    Why is this on io9 feed but not Deus Ex and Black Ops 3 news?

    How are they going to keep SHIELD or ATCU out of this? I can’t believe that when there are superpower incidents in the City of New York and non of those respond.

    Ot it’s a mass relay.

    I have a kind of muscular dystrophy. I’m turning 29 this week and still holding on for a practical treatment for this disease someday.

    Why bother with pilot? Make it a drone and replace the cockpit with a railgun.

    Get rid of that Outer Space Treaty.

    I. indicator Coming soon to theaters

    I ended up watcting this recomended video first.

    That is not a good way to infiltrate. Anyone should notice the sentence doesn’t make sense by itself.

    I hate any media that tries to “funny-ize” the act of killing like this. Another notable example is Call of Duty’s multiplayer advertising.

    I think his description also inspired Brother Michael in Helix.

    It’s that Serbian assasin on top of my list.

    How often can I press the $50,000 button without causing population or economic collaspe?

    I got Mad Max, District 9, Aliens, and maybe Outbreak.

    Why don’t someone make LXG-verse outvof this?

    I assume this is how the immortals in Helix can survive in isolation for decades.

    Does it go with slusho?

    I blame copyright protection as a major contributor to this problem. Nowadays, every entertainment service needs its own dedicated device. This is especially true in part of the world where I live.

    Someone should start 20s going on 30s blog here.

    Permission denied.