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    The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were reconstructed with frog DNA. That might be why they lack feathers.

    How could that even be anatomically plausible?

    Portraying China as US. rival is realistic. Both countries are unlikely to become allies anytime soon.

    Contact lost with Space Force One.

    Was Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the inspiration for The Hulk?

    I consider the first decade of 21st century "a lost decade".

    It's called "Khai yew maa". I'm a Thai.

    Do you feel OK to pay for gasoline imported from anti-gay and misogynistic countries?

    Why did Russian militias(I assume) go after the woman? What event this film is set in?

    I'd to see the war from UESN viewpoint rather than Starfleet.

    I would name that "Stargate: Revelation".

    Now I know what causes U.S. debt crisis.

    Too bad Ubisoft turns unreleased sequel in to a browser game.

    Khan blend looks like what Khan actually supposed to be.

    And the B-2 flies too low.

    You can get trough college without doing much anything. Even if you wanted to and you should.

    26, male, Thailand.

    Medieval disco club!?

    There is a computer game in the work, named Cyberpunk 2077.

    I'd to see an alternate timeline where Stargate program went public and changed the world. Imagine how alien technology affect human lives. Colonies being established throughout star systems. Earth superpowers forming interstellar fleet for defense.