
I'm just lucky I didn't have any icepicks sitting around me when I clicked the link, otherwise I would have a nice set of wood handles sticking out of my ears right now. That link should be the next RickRoll.

I'm going to make it sleet, bee-atches!

How can you have depth perception with that eye patch?

So why can't they just jam all signals into and out of the prison?

Can't speak for this particular device (note that this is just a patent, no actual product is available and may not even be in trials yet), but for most tissue engineered constructs it had better be a continuous operation to keep the cells viable and happy. Every device I've seen is designed to eventually become

The biggest strain from dialysis is the "non-organic" aspects of it—the kidney is not just a filter, like dialysis tubes, but it also provides many endocrine functions that the body misses on dialysis. Also, if this can be hooked up to be a continuous function instead of the 12-36 hours a week of dialysis, it also

Depends on how many Scooby Snacks you've had

More severe predatory instincts, size, and aggression.

I don't know what you were listening to, but this guy was collecting predators. He lives near The Wilds, which has herbivores, so that may have been where the reference to giraffes and camels (don't think they have these at The Wilds) came from. The predators just got enraged and charged when the deputies tried to

No, but air movement, especially at highway speeds, does alter pressure. Bernoulli's principle.

So I can create a constant weather anomaly in our pressurized lab (required for biohazard)? Sweet, always sunny over top our building!

No, the levitating disk is a superconductor (diamagnetic), not a magnet at all, and levitates because it expels the magnetic field (Meisner effect).

The disk is NOT a magnet. It's a superconductor (diamagnetic), and the magnets are locking it because of confined current eddies (that block the external magnetic fields). The magnets in this case are merely providing the fields.

Is it bad that I was impressed he dated his crazy scrawl in his lab notebook?

Your first line suggests that Bieber lip-syncers aren't terrorists.

But imagine trying to empty your pants pockets to go through security—or were you planning on just removing them to walk through the metal detector?

But if my years of playing Risk have taught me anything, we would have had to take Greenland, Iceland, and Norway first.

So I read through the White House and NPR links, and nowhere does it mention getting rid of prior art claims. "First to file" as opposed to "First to invent" just means that the paperwork is easier to evaluate if there are competing applications, not that you can patent something that is already in the literature or

It's imported, so it doesn't have an obnoxious enough enemy in the U.S., and I don't think we want to start importing more potentially invasive species.

Octomom's been kidnapped?