
This article seems to love saying “he did”, “he says”, “he’s sexist” when it’s about a girl. Makes me wonder if someone’s sexism is showing.

It’s a shame there’s no Apollo IE.

It’s probably got active aero on it. That’d raise the weight.

Because it accelerates like a MoFo to get there.

I gotta say I like anything that Apollo puts out including the original Apollo. It’s always interesting.

I’m curious. Does this thing have DRS?

Quebec never ratified the Charter of Rights.

Mine was Metallica’s Black album. And I’m not even old!

Uber is a glorified taxi service that bills itself as not a “taxi service”. And one whose business practice is woefully inadequate to anything but cutting costs.

Actually computer programming for cars should get easier as cars are slowly being programmed by computer companies. You can cars that have android auto or apple’s equivalency in them. Soon, all we’ll have to do is download a program from the internet much like ECU flashes you can get now.

All phones have a built in DAC. It’s necessary to create and record sound. Without it you’d never hear your phone make annoying beeping and buzzing sounds or hear your mom berate you.

His point is that he’s old, out of touch with reality, and probably demented.

This could work for Trump. He’ll blame any new job losses on NAFTA and the lack of change in NAFTA on Canada and Mexico. Hell, he could blame anything on NAFTA. Environment going downhill? NAFTA not strict enough. Coastal flooding? NAFTA preventing needed resources from going into the area.

Will it blend?

Will it blend?

Haven’t you heard? Aquaman drives a Mercedes T-Class submarine.

I’d sleep with Amy Brown ... Who am I kidding? I’d sleep with anyone ... I’m so lonely.

You sir clearly have no fcuks to give.

This is easy. Modern Ferraris are butt ass ugly and the Dodge Viper should have ended a generation early.

Oh god. I’m old.