
Autoblog spelled it "shooting break" throughout their entire coverage. I mostly keep them in my reader to laugh.

I read an article on this in Road & Track when I was about 14, right after Millen had set the PP record at just over 10 minutes and was shooting for sub-10... still hasn't been done. It blew my fecking mind back then but I'd never seen videos of it.

So which would you rather have... this 2002 with the S14, or that E30 M3 with the S85 V10?

I saw a normal CTS wagon on Saturday for the first time. It felt good.

"...laggardly .420-second reaction time." Are you giving us some secret, subtle insight into your extracurricular activities, Wes?

We've had the discussion over and over about AWD vs. Snow Tires, and how AWD WITH snow tires is unstoppable. That is, unless your friend who let you take his STI out left snow tires on in the summer. Slowing from 130 to 60 for a corner, I had a real scary "handling moment" as the grip disappeared and I slid into a

@wkiernan: The sound... oh my, the sound. Probably my favorite part of my first LeMons.

About a year ago in Menlo Park. Nasty little blue one, more rallied-out than this one, rolls around down there sometimes.

WTF is "her 'man-size'"?!

Porsche 911 GT3

Man, too bad I watched the last 45 seconds of that hoping something else interesting would happen.

@Brian: Seriously. Wasn't there a time when RS cars were exciting?

@ThreeLitre: Agreed, much appreciation to Sam for this series.

@Peeschimieppöpötåmus: True statement, I've found the exhaust notes to be a bit buzzy as well.