Nate with shorter name

Because the liability would be worth a lot more than the money they’d make selling them.

One of the linked articles says another parking site signed a contract with a company that then used A-1 for towing, and they were unable to quickly cancel the contract and regret signing it.

Honestly surprised no employees of these predatory towing companies have been shot yet.  

I think a big problem is that while in Europe, mostly, anti speeding measures are aimed at deterring speeding and managing infrastructure to deter and prevent, our anti speeding measures are based on making money for local sheriffs’ departments. They neither deter nor prevent, but seek to hoodwink and extort instead.

he also had a history of speeding offenses

That’s OK, they’ll get a second chance at a longer sentencing after they let him out in 2.5 years and he kills someone, per usual procedure. Or someone will take this guy out in self defense and they’ll sentence the defender to a longer sentence than this dirtbag got. What little child mentality thinks this garbage is

These are gutter trash street goons, not organized criminals. Boss will be fine.

Yup, fuck that guy all the way. And you know who else deserves a good “fuck you”? All the other pieces of shit in his crew that watched this happen and didn’t do a damn thing to get him to back off when he was so clearly in the wrong. Not a single decent human in that whole group. Fucking pack mentality brings out the

Cut poor old Tim Scott some slack, he’s really going through a rough time with people asking him about his imaginary girlfriend on the campaign trail. 

This dude is a freaking asshole. Yet another person who should never be allowed to work for the public good, because they just don’t understand what that IS.

It shocks me the number of people who are (or at least act) utterly ignorant of Labor History. Crossing a picket line got you injured. There was violence. People died. Senator Scott is more than welcome to repeal the NLRA if he thinks he can, but it’s the law of the land, which I believe he took an oath to uphold.

The article outlined it very plainly. He does have people working for him, who do have a legal right to unionize. How likely is it that campaign workers want to unionize? Not much, but they still have the right, and this language violates that right.

So, they had an easily identifiable subject who never changes his appearance committing these crimes while driving the same vehicle.

Yeah, let’s jump straight to the victim-blaming.

ABC7 says he has a criminal history going back over 20 years that spans eight states.

Claim he’s a protestor and Republicans will give you a medal for it.

Cops don’t want to take on a guy like that, he’s scary! What if they got hurt? It’s just easier to pull over some people for speeding at night and threatening them.

This sack of crap also appears to wear the exact same thing every day. He even got arrested wearing the same damn clothes. So, they had an easily identifiable subject who never changes his appearance committing these crimes while driving the same vehicle. Dude could have a license plate that spelled RDRG GUY and

Imagine being such an idiot that a person would conflate pulling someone over for expired tags with a person stopping in a traffic lane to get out and hit another person’s car, as though those 2 circumstances are at all related.

Dude is obviously off his rocker, but I would be curious what actually instigated this whole incident.