Nate with shorter name

I would be down to drive semi sane version of this.
A small zippy super low eCar would be tits. 

If we yanked all the fossil fuel subsidies we wouldn’t need EV subsidies.

Doing that would crash the economy so we need to do one step at a time.

That price isn’t bad for what it is.  It won’t be available here but it would sell well if it was. 

And if you want to keep the 4wd mode it is only $12 a month after the first five years.  For an even $20 you can keep the heated seats and Bluetooth connectivity. 

Factory wraps need to be a thing.   That look is hot. 

That isn’t actually practical. That is supply side enforcement and it never really works.

This would happen a whole lot less if we had a sane immigration policy. 

It is even the same color as mine and it is absolutely the perfect learn to wrench car.

I would like to see this happen, but this sketch isn’t even a render.
GTA Modders would be hard pressed to make a car from these scribbles.

Maybe the district level admin folks can finally do something useful and drive the bus. 

I wonder how electric ducted fans are going to change the game.

It would be awesome if an electric start up would build an Aerial Atom style car and then have crazy people slap fiberglass bodies on them.  

CA is always a buck a gallon higher than the rest of the country
A good enough, cheap enough EV is going to sell.

A good enough and cheap enough EV has a good chance of selling in a land where gas isn’t dropping below $4.25 a gallon again.

Probably won’t sell all that well in places with cheaper gas. 

Replace the windshield wipers and if you have sealed beams swap out them out for LEDs.
Being able to see makes driving much nicer. 

At some point, folks are going to get nostalgic about these things and they are going to be worth something.

That point is nowhere near now and a whole lot more of these need to go to the crusher before that happens. 

I bought a 1981 Volvo 240. It was the slowest hunk of shit. Then after a year the transmission took a carp.

Housing the homeless in less expensive areas makes a ton of sense. At the same time housing costs could be reduced by decoupling parking requirements from construction requirements.

The best way to do this is to instead couple vehicle ownership and parking requirements. 

Parking should be a requirement to own a car, not to have a place to live.

Drivers in taxi equivalents do more than just drive. They also clean and reduce damage.

How is that vital part of the taxi experience going to work out.

Also if I am drunk, but also the only person in this thing am I risking a DUI?