Nate with shorter name

When police officer gets into the top ten most dangerous jobs we can revisit the issue. 

What is “Panda” in this context?  I have not heard of it.

We could start by pulling their guns. At the very least they should keep the guns in the trunk unless needed. Removing the guns from their locked case should require a publicly available written report.

Somehow my WRX has both a hill start assist and a cable brake.  I think the Subie does it in the hydraulics rather than the e-brake system. 

The guys trying to save the battleship Texas were the ones who introduced me to the topic, but the battleship New Jersey guy has done a really great job of explaining the difficulties of preservation to a wider audience.

There were some ridiculous exploits that have been closed.   Some of them made an already silly game very overpowered.  

Epoxy in that kind of volume is just not going to happen.  You might put a thin layer over the concrete but it is still going to be concrete. 

Cruising around with no license plates is somehow okay where you are?

Pouring concrete around a ship to preserve it has been done several times and turns out to not be a great solution for a number of reasons.
Most importantly it traps corrosion between the concrete and steel without halting it allowing it to continue to degrade and as the rust expands it places higher loads than the

Would a replacement even be better?

Just a shame they won’t put VR support in it.  That would make this game so much better.

If Tesla accomplishes nothing else, I hope they break the grip of the mega dealers on car sales.

Adding middlemen does not add value, unfortunately they do add political contributions.

Until you open the hood, it looks like a rebadged Subaru.

I guess that is ok, they will probably sell more of these than Subaru sells car at all. 

Why would you smuggle MJ from Mexico when CA is right there and you can just swing by the dispensary?

The ag checkpoints are more worried about oranges than weed.

I don’t need black, I need HP. I am looking for a 275HP AWD Prius.

I want a real Prius TRD.

Tolls in a rental car really suck. I have to turn in receipts within five days of return but it can take weeks for the rental agency to get back to me with a toll bill and that bills gets a ton BS fees tacked on it. 

Big gyros in cars get proposed from time to time but I have never seen any serious use as a stabilizer or turning aid.  It sounded like a cool idea when flywheel hybrids were making waves in racing. 

On the other hand, I am fine with that segment of the population learning things the hard way if they can be prevented from spreading to the rest of us. 

At some point we need to address sightlines. If you can’t see a person walking in the crosswalk you are stopped at or you can hide a whole car in the blind spot in front 0f your grill, your vehicle needs some serious changes.

I think I would want it to hit a little over 250 HP before I would swap out my WRX for Prius TRD.