Nate with shorter name

I worry when I see local needs standards applied nationally.
CA needs CA emissions standards for a reason.
FL needs roof uplift standards for a reason.
KY needs dry counties for a reason.

Not all of these standards should apply outside of the area of concern.

But at least it wasn’t a Larry, screen shots of text, slide show.

It is still really lame, but it isn’t Larry Lame.

You know that Larry is going to screenshot a dozen of these responses and post it up in a couple of days as his latest slideshow.

I still have not actually seen one of these in the flesh. They are betting a lot of money on something that isn’t all that available.

It would be kind of like Nvidia building a kiosk in Best Buy.

This is really going to come down to how the tracks are set up and getting the right number of racers on the track.

And not just any legal legwork, SMOG EXEMPT.   The plates and title are worth $4k any usable mechanical bits are just bonus.

There is a life boat on the starboard stern corner of this ship. It is big and orange and designed for this kind of thing. Seems like the sort of thing you would use in this sort of emergency.

There’s a lifeboat RIGHT THERE. It is the orange vaguely boat shaped object.

It is a 7 with CA plates. Even better, it has a pre 74 registration.

These two things bypass at least $5k worth of barriers to whatever 7 project you were thinking about.

I am sure it is already sold.  NP all the way.

The Volvo looks super cool, but is it actually more aerodynamic with a trailer? 

You have to understand, each blink burns precious blinker fluid; and on a new BMW you can’t just use any old blinker fluid, you have to use the expensive synthetic blinker fluid.

I hope they do some great explaining about what towing will do to that range during both the sales pitch and on the infotainment screen or some folks are going to be big mad.

The first company that can make a Gardener’s Special smallish stake bed for around $30k is going to be swimming in orders.

Mine second was not as bad as the first. YMMV

Because Larry. Torch does VW and odd, David does Rust, and questionable mechanical thigs, Larry does slide shows that don’t need to be slide shows.

Turn it into a stake bed work truck.  I am sure the grand gardener collective in this area would love it. 

If a racing series wants a shot, they need to partner with a streaming service. Getting racing on American cable is just not going to happen (but another political deadender channel is golden) 

2nd Gear.
Hopefully this will be the lesson that gets the morons with MBAs to STFU about the criminally stupid concept of “Just in time” parts management.

I am not even sure it works in theory because it never worked in practice.

Had to check who wrote this one.

If it had been Larry, there would have been another damn slideshow.