Nate with shorter name

Why don’t you guys mention that this is another Epic exclusive on PC and save us the effort of looking.

KIA made the Ford Aspire back in the day.

As long as you only ever make them for video games, it is dirt cheap.

Who needs data?
Just throw up 11 pictures of KIAs and name them K(NUM).
Plenty good for the Herb.

I am a bit surprised this isn’t a 13 page slide show speculating on 11 models that KIA might electrify.

That would probably be annoying though.

I want to join in the chorus that hates this format.

Whoever decided to do this is an asshole.

Rumor has it, the KIA logo was supposed to fit in same footprint as the Ford logo making retooling for shared platforms even easier.

Yesterday would have been a good time to change this, but tomorrow works too.

As someone who doesn’t generally follow Kias very closely, not having a noticeably different name for the shitbox I get as a rental car and the flagship luxury sedan seems like a poor strategy.

Not another stupid letter number car.
This trend is bad and id doesn’t make for memorable cars (unless you are BMW or Audi).
If Optima isn’t working call it something else, any made up name will do. The KIA Bookavi is a better name than the KIA K5.  The KIA Panther would also be a fine name for this car.

My first car was a brown ‘74 Celica ST with a four speed.
The points system on that car was flaky as hell, but it was a good looking little car.

A broken timing chain ended the car.

I have been using a real Aeron chair at work for ten years and it is still amazing.
The last two months I have been using a Costco knockoff Aeron chair at home, and it sucks.  Total fail, a tenth the price and a tenth the value.

A good number of the ones I rode in were rented from “buy here pay here” lots on a daily basis.  I have doubts that this plan payed off for the driver.

And then things got worse,  but they would get worse still before they got better...

Does Lowes handle the Craftsman Warranty the same way Sears used to, or did I miss my chance to replace my worn out screwdrivers?

The game changing trick with the mayo, is mixing in shredded cheese.
That is right, cheese on the outside and the inside of the bread.  Mayo is the glue that holds it together long enough to cook.

Finding a location for a new race track is going to be rough.

Even a short dirt track can be heard for miles.  The NIMBYs will make sure it won’t happen.

This dude is not going to resign. He is going to raise reelection funds off of the attacks by the NAACP.

It would be better to raise up a reasonable candidate to challenge him in November.

Can we please stop pretending we get any efficiency out of capitalism if we keep using government cash to prop up large corporations that get too moribund.

If they need aid, break them up into chunks that can safely fail.

You could get two of them without the provenance for that.
Then one of them would be drive able most of the time.

This car is a museum piece. It will never really be driven beyond maybe a couple of miles for show about cars.
I have no desire to be a curator for this exhibit.