
3.) Porsche 911

I hope your comment makes it to the top so we can see all the newbies around here correcting you.

I'm pretty sure that's a lambo, dude.

It didn't catch fire, HOW?

from what I saw they were already on his car, it doesn't look calm at all. fuck them.

Lawful demonstration cannot legally impede others.

Something tells me that once the driver started honking the protestors went after the car, trying to break windows and destroy paint. Once that shit happens all bets are off. Mow down as many motherfuckers as possible. If you threaten my life or the life of my family members you better believe it that I will mow down


Exit 22B and the OJ Homage were brilliant little additions.

Did you know you could save 15% or more on car insurance by switching to Geico?

This comes to mind:

so hot

so hot...

More supplies much faster, more troops there quicker.

I submit the USS Monitor, which heralded the end of the wooden hulled sailing ship as the absolute ruler of the seas.

People have been declaring the main battle tank obsolete for decades and they are still vital. I give you the original. Winston's baby: The Mark I "tank".

First bomber. Caproni Ca.1

Obvious answer is obvious. Obvious answer is also a horse. The kind of horse made out of meat and a tendency to always inhale when you're tightening the cinch.