
He's one of those artists whos new stuff is better than his old. Camp was good, and his old stuff where he sounds like that face tattooed idiot were pretty bad.

So is it Rally day or something? Any non-rally stories out there?

I love my Z4M, clearly the OP and enough other people love the Z4 for it to be added to the list. It doesn't have a huge following, but they are great cars. The Z3M might have a better resale, but that doesn't mean the E85/6 is a crap car.

No one would win. The universe would implode and we would cease to be.

I really wanted to like the Honda CR-Z with its sporty and funky style, but when I saw one a few years ago at the San Diego Auto Shoow 2 things stood out as engineering WTF moments.

Shut your crying cock holster, the seats recline, they paid for it, they can lean theirs back those minuscule 2" that is mechanically possible in business and coach class without having to put up with some dick behind them crying like it's the end of the world.

Now the dilemma is to find out which sounds the best. My vote is for the Enzo.

Gotta have the right car for it.

I have a feeling the survey went like this.

I think BMW hates us. Owning a Z4M feels like being the redheaded step child in the M family. We got the DNA, but we're missing from the family photos.

I've been saying the same thing for years. If most states require your lights to go on when you wipers are on, there should be an automatic light on link in the car. Its annoying as fuck barely seeing gray cars in heavy rain without their lights on.

2.) Touch screens

I think BMW hates us. Owning a Z4M feels like being the redheaded step child in the M family. Got some of the DNA, but for some reason we're missing from the family photos.

Side mounted oil filter is a PITA to get out if you don't have the right filter wrench on these cars. Replaced mine with K&N for the wrench off nut after my first oil change nightmare with my old miata.

The 2nd Gen 3000GT. A lot of great lines that pop out in person. Under rated car due to its weight, but I think they're gorgeous.

I can't wait to go on Saturday when it opens to the public. Can you guys do an article about the best way to see the show? Where to go, what to skip, whats worth waiting forever to see on opening day crowds.

I tend not to use my in car GPS. 1. because things like this happen and B. Google maps on my phone is easier and faster to set up directions

if you find yourself in Germany go to Stuttgart and you will see both in the same day.

Heard a guy at a BMW dealership throw a fit because of the physical key. He was outraged he had to pay for keyless entry. I believe his words were "Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to have to put a key into the car to start it?!" It was a BMW dealership in Newport Beach, Cali.