Dan Snyder really needs to have Zach Brown banned.
Dan Snyder really needs to have Zach Brown banned.
Look at all his majesty. Those peasants in their thatched roof cottages don’t stand a chance.
“It’s hard to keep on thinking that he’s going to fight for us,’’ Wolikow said.
Uh oh, if he’s not careful, that lineman might lose 1,000,000% of his game salary.
Please, please, please, please, please, please let this signal the return of Peterman.
What does it say about me that I’m perfectly willing to accept real-life videogame fights and superpowered vegans, but I can’t suspend my disbelief enough to believe that multiple beautiful women would be throwing themselves at Michael Fucking Cera?
Despite its flaws I genuinely enjoy this movie. I watched it recently in preparation for this article and it still hold up for the most part.
I listen to (white) Yinzers shitting all over Bell, but you can’t fault him or the club. Despite the Steelers being ruthless when it comes to their players’ contracts, the current CBA really fucks over RBs like Bell.
Nah, he’s Welsh. It’s more likely Lygvrwyth Bwyllyngh
Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered drunk and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of Buffalo football lore-
Nathan Peterman makes me rethink my decision to not enter the draft.
The amount of people here giving the thumbs up of financial theft are appalling to say the least. Regardless of your personal feeling to the victim, a crime is a crime. Beside, it’s not that the perp acting like Robin Hood, giving the money he embezzled to the poor and needy. He using it to finance his own lavish…
Sounds like a lot of money was stolen from their business. Money used to pay employees, make products. It’s not like these guys didn’t earn it and aren’t putting it to good use. I find your reaction baffling.
If neither Zieler or Sosa wants to claim credit for the goal then Harry Kane will take it.
two quarterbacks at the same time
He should call the Corona Hotline and see if they know the answer....
Ask not for whom the Bell toils, Steelers; it’s not for thee.
And that ass defense is now worse. You do know they got worse, right?
I agree that Mack is a great player, but Raiders defense was ass with him last year and you get 2 first rounders for him. That’s a pretty good haul.