
No. The majority of those platforms (Reddit and pedia sites) have major mobile traffic which not only does not natively have ad-blockers, but also auto-plays video content as a preview. That is what’s causing inflation. Embedded players on site highly trafficked by mobile users. 

Fools. Money. Etc...

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

I’m pretty he was making a joke, as the visor cut-out was now down around his mouth.

How royal of him. 

I get to write about video games for a living, have cheap rent (thanks Kansas!) but also have fast internet because I live near Kansas City.


I don’t think the writers here don’t like it. It’s just...weird?

And if they did, two years later when no one here bought it because they were waiting to find it for $5K used, then the new complaint here would be that they would’ve sold like hotcakes if they had 500hp, a manual, no driver aids, were easy to repair and priced just under 20K.

Make the IDx you cowards

This is peak Torchinsky. Please never change.

Steam is a mess of a platform and Valve has absolutely no idea how to properly run a store.

I also vibrate like crazy with mechanical stimulus

Would you be super “scared” of the hyperbole headline then?

if people insist on using these ports they can also just buy charge only cables ( that can’t provide a data connection. They are actually missing the data wires inside the cable, or there are also adapters ( that convert a normal cable to charge only.

“The Popeyes chicken sandwich has been an agent of chaos”

FF14's reboot was exceptional though, not just because of how well it paid off in the long run but because of the massive steps they actually took to fix it, far beyond what i’ve ever seen a developer do in any other situation. They must have felt genuinely ashamed at the management level even to take such drastic

Sometimes I feel the smallest of pangs of guilt when I click on these excellently-reported Anthem articles by Jason just to see if there are any updates on Dragon Age 4.

Jason, I normally complain if you cancel a game with your mystic powers.

No game is beyond saving. I still have egg on my face for saying that Final Fantasy XIV was beyond saving after its rocky launch, predicted it would go free-to-play, and then slowly fade into indifference and shame as Square Enix moved on.