
It’s a huge conspiracy against you because of your facial hair.

“I want to hear some chatter out there!”


Don’t picture Kira hitting on Ezri. Your lady will thank me for advice.

Jason’s next book should be “A Decade of Kotaku Articles Telling Us How Great Spy Party is gonna be.”


He didn’t know exactly what sparked the idea of eating cereal from a pothole,

There is a lot of worse ways to waste $8 or the time.

That’s funny because if you move 15 minutes out of the city, you are likely going to be driving many more miles per year than if you lived in the city.

Now playing

FYI, that 4th owner’s name is Hoovie. He is screwed.

Margin of Error’s comment didn’t get embedded.

Because the game doesn’t let you use any of that stuff normally. Mobile have per app settings for devices like that, that devs need to add in. Thats why

Ah, the time tested “we can’t cut it in the semi pro adult league, let’s all take steroids and play with the nine year olds” strategy

Remember that all Mustangs are required to include a “pedestrian spinout rider.”

To be fair, trusting a 24 year old with an Aventador is like trusting a toddler with an AK

It’s the Land of the Fleeced and the Home of the Broke!

It’s acknowledged by insurance companies, even.

The value of the car you’re driving only really matters for the comprehensive insurance. The cost of collision insurance is based on how much other people’s vehicles cost and how much it costs to pay for their healthcare or disability after you (might) hit them. People are much more expensive than cars, especially in

You think the government just makes those benefits appear using magic?

This is the same fucking moron that made a sensationalist click-bait video about his “dangerous” Tesla Model S P85 because he needed an alignment and wore out the tires in his 470HP RWD super sedan.