To be fair, velocity matters. That guy’s not whacking it with a hammer reaching highway speeds.
To be fair, velocity matters. That guy’s not whacking it with a hammer reaching highway speeds.
The cars are built largely by hand, so with their current manufacturing and labor capacities they have a ceiling of how quickly they can build the cars. Granted, that ceiling is likely accounting for how many they’re likely to sell in a given year, so they’re not spending money to build cars that will sit around…
The problem is that the Koenigsegg is designed to survive the various tests relatively intact, so that bits and pieces can be replaced in a cost efficient (for hypercar prices of course) manner. Sort of like a race car and their ability to swap in new panels and car sections rapidly.
I assume the players are all under contract, which means they probably can’t just quit and follow without a headache.
Forcing someone out of a legal partnership isn’t always easy. Depending on how the contractual guidelines are set up it might be difficult indeed if there’s no process outlined that could be applied to this situation, or if the rest of the partnership can’t pay out whatever share of ownership the member has right away.
I have one by a company called Smith’s, that’s pretty much an identical form factor, that I bought years ago which is an excellent product and still going strong. I wonder which one copied which, or if they’re both just a rebranded chinese generic product.
I have one by a company called Smith’s, that’s pretty much an identical form factor, that I bought years ago which…
Yep, I have one that runs on a battery. It’s still damn loud.
Yep, I have one that runs on a battery. It’s still damn loud.
It’s mostly Lego at this point. Swap in one set of parts to drive between tracks, then swap them out for the race trim, run it, then repeat.
Sometimes the game is rigged against you.
A monitored spot doesn’t necessarily have to be pay to park. You could easily have it free to register a car in a specific spot, then issue a citation if it is either not registered, or parked beyond the allotted amount of free parking time allowed.
Because financial penalties are a somewhat effective incentive to induce people to share a limited resource.
But it’s what’s HOT NOW!!! How will we ever make ALL THE MONEY if every one of our games isn’t just MORE OF WHAT’S HOT NOW?!?
No. Dragon Age 4, which will be launched as an “open world live service” will be the end of Bioware.
The copyright thing is just because the law hasn’t kept up with technology. If software were a physical product the company would get a patent and then someone trying to make a knockoff could get sued for patent infringement. Since you can’t patent code, but code still represents a product that has an actual cost in…
Logic doesn’t always trump emotion. While there’s that old saw, “You can’t go home again”, the fact there was a chance, even if slim and probably only a shadow of what originally made it great that existed and that people could have been in on if only they knew, is enough to get people’s dander up.
I can see the argument if you’re in a dense enough area that public transportation exists. I had a college classmate who didn’t know what “bucket seats” were because she was from NYC so she didn’t have a license and had very little knowledge about cars in general.
From the amount of “this isn’t a big deal” and “this happens all the time” comments that come in each time one of these stories comes up on the site it’s probably not an unsafe bet that it’s the latter.
People have a perception of what happens to their property when they entrust it to others. It’s up to those who are so entrusted to either meet that perception, or be up front with customers about the reality of how things are done.
Baby steps. Once dealerships realize it’s better PR to fall on their sword (or get a low level functionary to do it for them) when caught out on stuff like this, they may eventually decide that preventing such incidents in the first place is a best practice worth implementing.
The appeal of a “gig economy” job is that you can, sort of, make your own hours. Want to try to pick up extra money two nights a week, but can’t guarantee which nights you’ll have free, or even if you’ll always have them free? Good luck getting a normal employer to work with you even for part time work.