Real friends find other examples of the subject matter, and then message them to you over the course of the week just to continue adding insult to injury.
Real friends find other examples of the subject matter, and then message them to you over the course of the week just to continue adding insult to injury.
Any sport as much up its own ass with “tradition” as golf doesn’t get a pass on players deciding to buck said traditions just because it’s not written down.
As someone who has gone to conventions for horror genre fans, I can say that you’re not correct. It’s a small niche but one that does exist.
I think most of his tests are mainly to find anything that is just really utterly terrible.
Generic brands have always been a thing. The psychology of how Amazon might get you to buy them over a name brand is different than say, choosing the generic brand at the supermarket. However even the supermarket uses tricks to get you to spend money in ways to maximize their sales and margins..
Apparently, according to some commenters on the video, Warren also makes Walmart’s house brand, for what that might be worth to you.
The game industry has these discussions all the time, I’m sure. The issue is, they can’t be obvious about it. “Sex sells” is still as true as when the term was coined.
Thanks for the additional information. I have an AUX in on my factory unit, but no bluetooth. My current setup is a very compact bluetooth receiver connected to the AUX port with an ultra short cable going into a dual USB port 12V convertor.
Thanks for the additional information. I have an AUX in on my factory unit, but no bluetooth. My current setup is a…
It doesn’t mean you have to do what he does. But when cobra bites become a youth epidemic after the “no venom challenge” sweeps social media, people are going to look for someone to point the finger at.
They could have also, you know, shifted them to new projects or other potential, though perhaps not wholly immediately profitable, endeavors and kept them employed instead of cutting them all now to save costs in the moment, then re-hiring them down the line when it’s time for OMG Crunch!!
When “the people who actually make the games” aren’t even on their own side, who do you expect to actually stand up for them?
When you’re raised in a society that has convinced you that with just a little more hard work, you too can be the 1%, you’ll work very hard against your own self interest.
Yes, how terrible for people not to realize and be happy that businesses exist solely to maximize returns for a specific few, and the courtesy of them opening the door before giving the people who made said returns possible the boot is something everyone should be grateful for.
But then how will I ever afford my 4th vacation home?
“Full potential” is a venn diagram in which the circles labeled “World’s GDP” and “Activision Blizzard Gross Revenue” completely overlap.
You can cover the hole with more vinyl when you’re baking the record in the oven to get it to take on your preferred bowl shape.
Unionization doesn’t magically happen. One only has to look at the UAW and how they’ve been trying to make inroads on organizing at Tesla, and failing, to see that.
The same people who derive some sort of pleasure from watching the dials on a slot machine spin with each lever pull/button press can get a similar sensation from opening loot boxes.
I think the posit is that a player or team could just play the game on PC, and use whatever controller they’re comfortable with, since that will be the big advantage/disadvantage of the switching between systems.