
Yet you clicked on the article, read enough to gain context, and bothered to post a comment.

There’s provision in the DMCA for recouping provable damages against false claims, but they require filing a lawsuit.

There’s some sort of crossover in the venn diagram between “Luxury” and “MERICA!”?

Well I’m sure you’ll feel something to know they’re working on slowly phasing out the fleet of Crowns with this.

They exist. However it should be noted that, depending on the technology in the phone, wireless charging rates are not all the same. Some phones, when using a lot of power (playing music, GPS, etc all at once), will exceed the draw rate of wireless charging and the battery will still drain, though more slowly.

They exist. However it should be noted that, depending on the technology in the phone, wireless charging rates are

I had this happen to me too. Not only did I forget to pack my phone mount that I had been planning on packing but being a newbie traveler and infrequent car renter I neglected to check that everything was working before leaving the airport.

I had this happen to me too. Not only did I forget to pack my phone mount that I had been planning on packing but

I believe it went away in the mass shuttering of various sub-sites and parting/release/firing of many of said site’s writers, back in the pre-univision Gawker days when they were trying to streamline operations to find a buyer.

Well, they didn’t say it was their #1 priority. Only that they can say it is.

I assume he means white (boring) and manual (too much work/avg consumer doesn’t know how to use), so it was optioned in such a way that thee was little customer interest..

I had no idea it existed.

Some people like nooks.  They’re also very mindful about not allowing things to pile up, and probably don’t have any hobbies that require significant indoor space.

Cars and stereotypes go back forever. The one most people are familiar with is probably the older man suffering a “midlife crisis” who starts trying to dress trendy and buys a flashy sports car in an attempt to appear and/or recapture his faded youth.

it doesn’t help, at least around me, that stations with limited diesel availability seem to not actually mark the pumps in any significant way. If you’re lucky there will be a small sign saying “Diesel” on the side of the pump.  I’d doubt most drivers are bothering to look to see if there’s an additional pump handle

Hire of bunch of people to drive those types of trucks behind patrol cars all night.

Logistics.  They could do a lot of things, but the problem is they’re barely managing to do the things they’re currently doing.  The ability of the operation to scale up seems to be a big one for whatever reason.

The only problem is that big giant “IF” standing in the corner.

I’m really wondering if that was the result of someone really liking that design, or essentially needing a big fat box to actually fit around whatever mechanical bits they stuffed in there.

Activision Blizzard has a market cap of 36.44 Billion. They reported 7 billion in revenue last year. They can probably scrape together enough scratch to properly transition the folks that invested effort in their product as evangelists, brand ambassadors, and professionals instead of pulling the equivalent of locking

That’s because a major company managed to screw up something as simple as bags so completely.

The street date thing might be out of their hands, all other shenanigans considered.  Release dates/times aren’t set by the store, and there can be issues if stores break them.  Might it be that they were given permission to start Smash sales at midnight EST rather than waiting until 12am local time?  Similar to how