
It’ll likely be serviceable. The real issue will be, do you enjoy the style of game it’s going to be? If you don’t, I don’t think even a great story is going to be enough incentive to put up with the grinding and other elements that will be necessary to experience it all.

They probably don’t worry about it, but they probably should.

According to wikipedia (so take it as you wish) the deal with Starbreeze was only to “digitally publish the game across all platforms”.


Then I suppose it’s a good thing Bennett Foddy isn’t american.

No one believes them anymore. The people who stand to benefit, generally economically, just don’t mind publicly lying about it. 

It’s the michigan equivalent of a bodega or corner store. They always sell snacks, often sell alcohol as well. Some will also have a selection of grocery staples like pantry items, sometimes produce, some also have deli counters where you can buy sandwiches, sometimes fresh meat, etc.

The Smith & Sniff videos are less about reviewing the car they’re driving in a comprehensive “is this good/who should buy this?” way and more about the conversation and casual banter it happens to inspire.

If you want to get all up in his business, you’ll have to comb your municipalities parking laws. Some have rules restricting the amount of time a vehicle can be parked on a street without being moved, for example, to prevent inoperable/abandoned vehicles from sitting around.

Depends on your policy. I used to do work that was under a 1099 that required me to use my personal vehicle for work related tasks. My insurance rep pointed out the bit in the policy addressing it, and it amounted to a mileage percentage restriction. It was pretty low, like my total miles used for non-personal related

It seems mixed. Of the two of the malls in my region, that I’m fairly certain have “code of conduct” policies posted on signs at the various “mall” entrances, only one lists it on the website.

It’s a subgeneration. While you’ll live the majority of your life as a millenial, and thus belong to that generation, you’re young enough that your childhood was still mostly “analog”, while your adult years are primarily “digital”.

In a perfect world someone ran the numbers and this was cheaper. You’re dealing with a lot of vehicles, plus if they were getting irreversible cosmetic modifications, that’s another cost (either to pay as part of the lease deal, or pay to repair before returning them), plus if the government doesn’t routinely lease

It’s all fun and games until your car is headfirst into a tree because some stranger decided a fun “goose” would be harmless, but didn’t notice some gravel, or water, or anything else that might cause the tires to suddenly break loose. Now you’re down a car and forced to dicker with the dealer’s insurance company, who

It may not stop anything, but just as “new young kids” get hired into the field, so may “new young kids” get into car culture, dream about owning something cool, and then read stories like these and then be educated on the fact that shenanigans like this do take place.

It’s not actually that dramatic.  It is in indicator that investors aren’t entirely happy, but the stock was sitting at about $39 this time last year vs $62 currently, so if anyone’s crying they still have plenty of dollar bills to wipe away the tears close at hand.

They announced that BO4 was its largest “day one digital release”, which is a cagey bit of language because that doesn’t say anything about actual total sales.

What’s a little bit of gas when you have an anthropomorphic pig with a video camera offering you a stack of cash?

I have an extension called “Disable HTML 5 autoplay” which I think is what’s solving that issue for me.

The gamble is, will every reviewer saying “this is terrible, don’t waste your money on it” drive sales better or worse than actually succeeding at whatever high concept they were (I assume) going for?