I remember that game and thoroughly enjoyed it. I still have it somewhere. I also have a copy of the soundtrack in my digital collection.
I remember that game and thoroughly enjoyed it. I still have it somewhere. I also have a copy of the soundtrack in my digital collection.
Parking limits are necessary to allow turnover of spaces in certain areas, especially business districts. It’s aimed primarily at customers who will be patronizing said businesses and are likely to be conducting business for less than two hours or whatever the limit might be. Open spaces increase the likelihood of a…
Source Filmmaker. It’s a fairly robust software package released for free by Valve that allows users to create high quality animations.
The issue is that someone looked at this and said “Yeah, we should put that our there for promo purposes!”.
I mean, at least it happened during the beta?
Thanks for the heads up. This seems like it might be ok, but the lack of any actual pressure data on what’s billed as an air compressor, is always suspect.
Thanks for the heads up. This seems like it might be ok, but the lack of any actual pressure data on what’s billed…
Just because MMOs have been rebranded as “Live Service” games, doesn’t mean it’s not an MMO. It takes place entirely in an online environment, there’s numerous other players playing in the same shared persistent environment, there’s no actual beginning or end to the main game loop, etc.
Depends on how much value you put on the geek cred you get for sporting a jacket that was likely handmade based off the actual original piece.
It’s more that they might be taking a loss to ship your add-on item by itself, but if you’re buying other stuff, the profit made on shipping that will balance it out. Obviously if they can get it all in one box, it’s better, but as long as they’re not losing money on getting you your order (and keeping you in the…
When I read the words”Heavy Russian Accent” I was really hoping you were somehow going to end up in a strawberry field.
Man, I hope you send them a letter with a photo of a vehicle and the MSRP everytime you buy another one from somewhere else.
I went there, scrolled a small amount and there was a message saying they were “Currently only available in the UK” which does seem like a more important distinction to make than noting that there are “tons of options in the UK”.
Good thing you clicked on another ad to complain about all the ads!
Good thing you clicked on another ad to complain about all the ads!
Unfortunately what’s good for big business is good for little business too. Big business has ensured there’s almost no liability for business personnel in almost all cases. That trends to trickle down, for better or worse.
As long as I have an allen wrench, I have faith I’ll manage.
Ikea is a destination store. I’ve seen people with U-Haul trucks there that they rented because they were in the midst of a trip that involved driving hours to the store, buying a bunch of stuff, and then heading back home.
As someone who lives about 20 mins from an Ikea, I’ve gone in for one specific thing before. The trick is knowing, if it’s not in the self serve warehouse area, exactly what section it’s in and plotting the quickest way to get there, grab it, and then hit the registers.
I dunno, but I clicked on it, I read it, and now I’m commenting on it, so I guess that’s why?
At the very least you’d think the person actually counting and communicating directly with the flag waver would be an F1 person, not some local guy given a 30 minute briefing, and a pat on the back for good luck.