
She’s meaningful because people who don’t watch or pay attention to WWE know her by name. Therefore having her in the WWE potentially means bringing in non-WWE customers and turning them into WWE customers.

Yes. The government can impose sanctions that prohibit businesses based in America from doing business with either private companies of a particular country and/or government entities of said country. These sanctions can also extend to foreign companies doing business in America that also do business with the

Depends on where in the supply chain the produce was contaminated.  If they move to an in house system at every location, it will lower the chances of any issues.

Until it stops making money I assume.  The beauty of an ensemble franchise is that as long as you can get some of them back for the next one, you can add a few new faces and legitimize them, then rinse and repeat until people stop opening wallets.

While celibacy may be involved (depending on ones definition), I’d venture to say that this gentlemen, and those who self identify as “incels” are approaching life from very different directions.

The basic idea seems a lot similar to a few pieces of advice that get brought up when it comes to reading certain literature. On the second time reading it, or if you skip ahead and read the last few chapters after reading the first few, you already know what the story is so the details of exposition or trying to

On the one hand, I miss sitting in game role playing, or just BS’ing for hours each night.

Gotcha.  Thanks for the info!

Knowing not the particulars of autocross beyond the basic physical concept of driving a car around a parking lot full of cones, are you actually competing at those events?

I think he said it was about 7k between the pack and the trailer.

I gotcha fam, one Ranchero and a couple sexy beasts.

Those sharpeners are great for general knives purchased by general people. That $20 chef’s knife? Perfect. All those knives you received in that $100 knife block as a gift? Perfect.

Those sharpeners are great for general knives purchased by general people. That $20 chef’s knife? Perfect. All those

Depending on the terms of the licensing deal Telltale had, it might be how it works. If Telltale Games as a corporate entity reverts to nothing but a license holder they could survive on paper by contracting another studio to finish the work in exchange for the majority of net revenue Telltale would have been set to

It goes both ways too.  A few years ago due to a death in the family I had to take a completely unplanned trip across the country on short notice.  Money was tight so I had to go cheap.  Even with various considerations for fees it still ended up being cheaper to go on a budget airline.  

The reasoning? Big bags of money from the airline industry delivered with bows to various legislators offices.

If they’re actually going to do it as a “branding company” that means it’ll pretty much be all revenue, and no risk. As long as whatever companies they find who want to pay them to slap “Toys ‘R Us” on stuff aren’t completely ridiculous to the point where that becomes synonymous with cheap crap, all they have to do is

Any of those smaller hand pressure sprayers with the pumping handle would work.

Any of those smaller hand pressure sprayers with the pumping handle would work.

This might have been a minimal effort for minimal pay sort of thing.

Corey posted a super detailed (in only the way Pen and Paper GMs with meticulous documentary skills can) breakdown include sourced posts, screenshots, etc documenting the entire exchange while also explaining why he felt the way he felt as a 5 (I think that was the time period cited) year paying customer of the Roll20

So in 5 seconds your car drives out of the range of the remote controller.

So in 5 seconds your car drives out of the range of the remote controller.