
this part is my fav

“A 6,000-seat theater that one day one owner said ‘we hope will host the Oscars.’”

The Inglewood site is the only place big enough to handle this rematch.

Yeah because those two are comparable.

If going down the stairs is so hard, why doesn’t he just install an El Evator?

So in Texas we can carry a fucking gun in public but not play in a $5 head to head fantasy game.

I’m glad Deadspin has taken a negative stand against daily fantasy, because none of your readers find it fun at all to play daily fantasy sports.

Big difference between $8M in tech upgrade and a billion dollar arena.

The Blues and Cardinals have done a good job being active in the community on every level. The Rams players were active, but the team itself from the ownership to the management didn’t get involved in the community, or with the other teams. The Cardinals and Blues actually have cross-promos often. The Rams blamed

The state provided infrastructure and the city provided a loan for a small remainder (under 10%) and it has been recouped through a local ticket tax in under a decade. Over the last 8 years the stadium has generated over $280M in state and local taxes, far higher than the original amount. Yes there was a small loan,

*ahem* 320 nights per year without hockey.

Sure, Kroenke may have committed a Cardinal sin by skipping town, but I don’t think he’s singing the Blues about it...

Well, the picture confirms Kroenke wasn’t Staaling.

*not particularly clever Best Fans joke goes here*

Next time the Blues play the Avs away I suggest Blues fans charter some buses to Denver and chant the same.

If you have a problem with players being robbed, college athletics might not be for you.

Cam is only 3/5 of the quarterback as Touchdown Tom Brady.

can we call it a 15-2 regular season?

still not as much as he cost Rhode Island

Dear Enos,