
Breaking Jung Ho Kang’s leg is totally cool though.

+1 in a week the Cubs have blown out the knee of a starter and hit another guy in the head with a fastball.

Let’s be clear here: the only, ONLY thing in baseball as obnoxious as the Cardinals is Joe fucking Maddon.

“Jus so you know, I’m having a steak tonight. If I have to actually kill a steer, I’m doing it.”

I would like to end this experience with some wisdom or knowledge I gathered from it. Unfortunately, I got nothing.

Why is Grizzly Adams chatting with Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins?

Is it easy? No. Do the commercials and ads make it sound easy? Yes. Can you win money? Yes.

Sure, but Skip knows way more about sports. Rick is probably the kind of guy who thinks Tebow can play in the NFL oh wait crap that analogy doesn’t work.

Rick is my go-to resource for all things Mexican food.

When you read the inevitable “The Democrats are doing it now!” posts, remember that Team Red insisted that anyone who criticized Bush was not just wrong, but also unpatriotic and anti-American.

You’re correct in this sense, but one of the main talking points the right was using was that we should never criticize the President (especially?) in times of war. Which is complete horseshit, and is one of the reasons people still get pissed off about the railroading of the Dixie Chicks.

Came here to make the same comment. I was un-American for questioning the war in Iraq and any decision the President man. Now, I’m not a patriot for, I dunno, believing our President was born in this country?
I’m starting to think all this stuff about patriotism is just bullshit to round up support for a certain

Nah, the difference is, you really are a minimum wage worker.

jeffj2015, shut the fuck up and get me my fries.

I agree.

They all seemed to vanish once the president’s skin tone got a bit darker. Odd how that happened isn’t it? this good Kinja?

Hey, whatever did happen to those “Stand By The President!” people?

Like, remember how Ted Nugent was invited to the State of the Union address after threatening to shoot Obama...

The NFL promises to do a complete and exhaustive investigation. And then stomp on the evidence.