Making bombs is bad.
Letting the free market leaderlessly sort out every single societal ill or issue is serious business, you guys.
Seems more like spam.
Firmly against raising the minimum wage, noted friends with open racists, have campaigned on ending Social Security and replacing it with...nothing!, anti-unions of any sort, actively fund climate-change denial research groups.
The Koch’s generosity is not limited to the coaches. Recognizing that the players are essentially indentured servants playing for a man making $3 million they will have the opportunity, after they graduate, to mow the Koch’s lawns and clean their pools.
Hard to believe a tight-ass like Charles Koch is a Shockers fan.
That's the least money one of the Koch brothers has paid to fill an official position in Kansas for years.
because she has no bars
I can't believe you actually fell for ol' fluoride treatment gag. On the plus side, now you know semen gives you a stomach ache.
so it was just a case of the street calling the ford black then
Wait, there are people that still think the overwhelming majority of people don't know wrestling is scripted?
Abreu's back story is surely compelling, his personality more colorful than we think. But even if they weren't, just his ability to hammer the bejesus out of a baseball is enough for me. As Simon Barnes asked of people who slammed Pete Sampras for being boring: "If you find excellence boring, what on earth are you…
chances this guy is at least 40 years old, wears mom jeans and lives in a red state? 95%? 100%?
warming my hands over this crackling hot take.
This is your base, Republicans, this nut job right here. You think she got this way all on her own? You think this woman pulled this crap out of the thin air? She's been spoonfed all these talking points for the last 7yrs from Fox News, Rush, Beck, Alex Jones, etc. Long after Obama's out of the White House this woman,…
Well Charleston is where the Northern War of Aggression started when Fort Sumter lured all those patriotic southern boys to shoot their wads.
Channeling Darren Rovell...
I still want Wes Borland to mean something.
But this DOES mean something, Barry.