
It's absolutely disgusting that a large part of the re-spread of polio is due to fundamentalists killing people trying to vaccinate children. If we can't stop violence against those trying to do good, how can we hope to stop this terrible disease? I think a good case study to look at is India vs. Pakistan. Just five

Maybe she was gassy. She looks gassy.

You stay with your pet when he or she is being euthanized. I don't care that it is "too hard" for you. You suck it up, hold your pet, give kisses, and stay until the very end. Then you go to the beach and scream for as long as it takes. You do not leave your pet behind to be euthanized alone. Period. (Also, this vet

I work at a Japanese company in New York, and there is not a single Japanese woman there who dates Japanese men. They don't give any specific reasons why (and it would be weird to ask), but almost all of the women tell me that part of why they left Japan was because they hated dating Japanese men.

who is so intent on proving that he's the bad boy of street art or whatever that he consistently pulls stunts like stuffing an octopus in a woman's vagina.

Black girl here. For years I dated a guy who was also not white, but I didn't know until we'd been together for a while that he was not really that okay with black people in general. He viewed me as somehow exceptional, and it made me sick inside to know that he felt that black people had to prove themselves to him,

Misogynists marry women all the time. It means absolutely nothing about their actual feelings towards a person they are supposed to love or care about.

Also, stapling a squirrel to your head won't cure baldness.

Marget Atwood once recalled that when she asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women, he answered, "They are afraid women will laugh at them." When she asked a group of women why they feel threatened by men, they said, "We're afraid of being killed."

Ever heard of Warren Buffet?

Disclaimer: I'm Christian.

My biggest problem with some of the more vocal atheists these days is the focus on religion being this horrible thing. I am not a fan of religion, but there are plenty of us people who believe in a higher power who aren't members of any church, don't push our beliefs on people and agree with the concept of evolution.

I don't think the Washington Post actually created this map. Its been on Wikipedia for years, and its based on data from the 2000 Census, so its not even up to to date.

If Cumberbatch was in the background, I'd create r/cumberkate and start with the furious Kate-Wills-Benny X-rated fanfiction. YOU KNOW I WOULD.

Hey may I help with the troll issue here...?


Please don't feed the troll.

Civil suit. No trial.

It makes me so incredibly uncomfortable when I'm smiling at or talking to a little toddler boy, and someone brings up "flirting." Super gross. "Oh, he's such a flirt already." Awful. Notice how no one ever says that about a little girl smiling at an adult man?