My grandfather sexually abused all of my aunts and my mother their entire childhood. My grandmother knew and only kicked him out for 6 months before letting him back. I remember at his funeral his sisters (from Mexico, that obviously had no idea what had been going on) wailing dramatically but among the other women in…
It's so unnecessary, and also poorly thought out. Mengagement was right there, and doesn't leave the reader (cough cough) wondering why the article assumes that only men are in management positions for two paragraphs.
My blow for equality is making it clear to my bf that I don't really care for engagement rings. If we get hitched, we can both wear a ring then. If we're engaged first, neither of us needs a ring. And if anyone is bothered enough to ask why I don't have one, they are welcome to an explanation of all of my problems…
Living deep in the bible-belt and being a 30-something, vagina-having, marriage-free, childless, world traveling, home owning, sex liking woman with no plans to change any of those things, I get the "why buy the cow" comment quite often.
Just expressing my delight over that cover of Cities In Dust, my favorite Siouxie song!
I agree, I don't get the fandom hate, but I always think I couldn't enjoy one of them if the other didn't exist. I think the fact they that they are very much two sides of the same coin (both learning to survive, both would be so completely screwed if they were in the other's shoes) makes their stories sort of…
I wish my life came with a blood-pumping sound track.
Full on THAW in Chicago next week! YAY! I've already noticed that today's 34 degrees has exposed the dog shit left on the sidewalks by too cold to care dog owners.
Snow is nature's sweatpants:
This Chicagoan is DEEP in The Surly right now. I am irrationally excited about the 40+ degree forecast for next week.
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. If you haven't already watched every episode, go fix that right now. It's on Netflix, and it's perfect! The ideal show! It has everything—fabulous late 90s hair/fashions/lipliner, a kickass heroine, and a bunch of other awesome characters like Willow and Giles and…
I had a mammogram from which a microcalcification was detected. Cue more mammos. Still no idea what it was, so they set me up for a mammotone biopsy — clamped by boob to a table face, down with my boob in a little window. They used the mammography to find the microcalcification and then drove a needle deep into my…
I'm BRCA1. This is The Scar Project (I guess also NSFW, though I'm loathe to say that), which FB shut down a couple of times and we had to raise a ruckus. There's a pretty intense image gallery here.
I am fighting breast cancer right now. I was lucky to "only" need a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, along with 4 months of chemo and almost two of radiation. I'm sitting here with my bald chemo head and a fresh new collection of surgical scars - none of which are as dramatic as the ones in the picture. But…
A mixed-breed dog named Emma is competing at the prestigious Westminster dog show today after being rescued from a…