But on the bright side, at least you found a way to make this about you.
Hah, well I went into the specifics of how this "study" is somewhat shitty in my own comment, but it's not surprising given that it's limited to self-reported data and only large caps with 1000 employees and above.
The French have been killing it recently, not only when it comes to planting nuts gossip about a Beyoncé/President…
The methodology is interesting to discuss in any study, so let's do it!
I was just going to say this. I'm a federal employee, and I know numerous friends who have had babies and had to completely exhaust both their sick and annual leave to give birth. If they're posted somewhere overseas that's not a great place to be hospitalized, they have to build in time to fly back to the States,…
Yeah. I know someone who worked at one of the companies mentioned in this and she was back to work (working from home, but STILL) a WEEK after having her baby. A WEEK. She was so paranoid about being laid off if she took any more than that that she set up her laptop and phone beside the bed and started answering…
I worked for one of those companies and it was NOT any place that I would ever recommend for women. In fact, when I was pregnant, my own supervisor moved me off of projects and I was corrected for bringing up my maternity leave on a conference call (as in "So and so will take over the final steps of planning for that…
It's sad, but my first thought was, "Wow, that's pretty generous."
Sadly, that's better than most companies in the US. Many offer zero weeks.
I actually laughed so hard that I bonked my head on my desk. In tears. I have not laughed this hard in maybe ever.
Evgeni Plushenko, the cocky thatch-headed Russian who most in the know about figure skating would agree is currently…
Yes, yes, yes! So much in your a statement that I wish could be printed in boldface on the cover of the New York Times until people got it. We have this bizarre cultural belief that being thin is automatically better.
Honestly, while I dislike all of the faux concern and trolling that's going on because she is thin now, I do genuinely hope that this in some way is showing people that yes, there IS an unhealthy way to get thin. No, losing weight does NOT always equal getting healthier. That losing weight doesn't automatically mean…
Never shared anything this personal before.
That's not the first thing I think of when I hear "fappy" ...
Yes, I was also shocked to learn that mammals have hair. Shocked.
Yeah I was kinda hoping this post was going to be about how much of a fan of D&D Ice-T is. But as it turns out, he's just another FILTHY CASUAL