
I dream of an alternate reality where Ubisoft did not protect and promote abusers within its own company

But that completely misses the point. As some have pointed out online, including streamer Hasan “Hasanabi” Piker, the real issue isn’t MrBeast’s philanthropy but rather the pay-walled access to a simple surgery that could have healthy, long-lasting, positive effects on an individual’s eyesight.

Hate to break it to you, but you’ve been conned by the author, who was conned by Geller. Think about how confident you are in your positive feelings, and then realize a “con” man is someone who manipulates you into having “confidence” in them, when you absolutely 100% should not trust them.

Yeah, no.

do you have it pre-ordered?

clam down its a baby game not finnegans wake

Oh, that was supposed to be a poem? The boundaries between poetry and prose still elude me.

The Arbiter levels in Halo 2 were a horrible mistake

I’m glad you included Danny’s tweet in this article, because it really does sum things up. “Gamers” have no clue how video games are made, and the insane cost and effort that is involved. Yet all of them feel like they should “have a voice” in the video game development process. Of course studios should gather

Assuming you consider Dunkey broadly on the “press” side of the video game world (a description I’m sure he’d hate), this is an awkward shift at best. Especially since he’s planning on continuing to do his YouTube channel.

Imagine dealing with Halo dudes, the only worse gaming community worse is Smash Bros fans. Well wishes to her family.

With Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones licenses out there, they seem MUCH better fits for the game than something sci-fi. 

I was actually pretty happy with the trailer, the effects looked good, they are clearly doing a GoTG but D&D which isn’t to say it’s a bad thing (a lot of films that boil down to “X but in Y” actually turn out pretty good) the only thing I’m worried about is that the characters didn’t seem super interesting in the

Jesus Christ that interview. I realize I keep hitting the same drum on the marketing of this game, but I can’t fathom how it is so bad.

Its going to be nothing like Immortal.   Immortal is free 2 play.   Diablo IV is going to cost 70 dollars and still be chocked full of those microtransactions everyone loves!! :)

Not to shit on the game (I am shitting on the game) but when I hear there is a mind bogglingly large amount of worlds to explore it tells me there is nothing interesting or distinctive to do on those worlds and you have made another procedurally generated loot grind.

too little too late. My friends have already moved on.

would’ve been real cool on launch, 343.

No mention of one of the top-tier replies in the comments of the twitter post?

George, this is the internet.  There are millions of YouTube channels trying to piece together(and make up) lore for a shitty horror game that takes place at an off brand Chuck-e-cheese 

Oh shush, Epic are fine and have one of the best game engines in the business.