
“What kind of creature is that?”

Dear everyone, take a real world issue you care about, take the energy you generate from your hate/defense of the Epic Store, and channel it into a letter to your congressperson instead of an internet comment about video games. Because this is nuts.

Imagine being “offended” because your game includes PoCs and women. That’s not what’s happening here. It’s not like this game is going for a serious tone or historical accuracy. Let’s not “both sides” this crap with false equivalences.

The bandwagon just keeps on rollin. Gotta hop on while you can I guess.

...players have discovered a bug that allows the ckryogenic ckombatant to ckompletely disappear...

I didn’t get it until I read your comment, so go have yourself a beer and put it on my tab.

I read the comment, didn’t get it, actually left the page, started browsing other pages, then it hit me. So I returned to give a star.

Google Fiber ran into entirely different problems, ones that have no direct corollary in the game-streaming market space.

“It looks like X crossed with X”

These elevator pitch comparisons are unhelpful and probably infuriating to the developer.

Can I shake your hand for simply using “Lego” as a plural, as it should be? Because good lordy even Gizmodo can’t even get that one right.

How is this anti-consumer? Both stores are free to download so the consumer isn't paying anything extra due to this exclusive deal. Third party exclusives for consoles is anti-consumer but I don't think this is.

Correction: Scads of cash is what could happen if The Master Chief Collection were ever brought to PC.


And here I was hoping that Microsoft had announced a version for PC.


Of course it’s not a new game. Valve doesn’t make games.

So....body shaming is ok if it’s a man with very public addiction issues seemingly trying to get healthy??

that’s pretty awful. just lost a lot of respect for Kotaku

Buy it anyway.  Worst thing that can happen is they come out with a new one to buy.  And we know they’ll never offer a third, no matter how popular the first two or how much demand there is...

Pssst, aside from a few charitable ones, athletes have no positive affect on society. Garbage men collect garbage, nurses take care of people, mcdonalds employees serve food, athletes get paid billions of dollars to play a game. And even if they rape or kill people, fight dogs, or beat their wives in public, the fans


The egregious and terrible nature of the core take here almost distracts from the absolutely heinous addendum about the best kind of pizza.