
Which stance?

Ever since you guys changed the format of your embedded video - its SUPER laggy. Please address this - when you had been embedding a direct youtube video previously this was never an issue. Every time I watch the highlight reel now, I’m having to pause it about 30 times - not exaggerating.

Dawn of War 3 is so painfully average that it has no identity whatsoever: very little in the way of cover mechanics, the buildings barely have any reason to exist, and the campaign is boring mechanically AND plotwise.

They probably took one look at Agents of Mayhem and went “Well, fuck.”

The article kind of misses the biggest point about the 16 monitors.

I get that, but the employee doesnt get to decide the requirements of their own job. The answer to who cares where it happensis her boss,apparently. And the who cares how many hours we work if the work gets donething is extremely telling too, because thats what people say when theyre not working a full day

Destiny 1.5*

Well yes, of course, but what I mean is that a “4/10" is meaningless in this context, because nothing about “4/10" signals that the reviewer enjoyed the game but wasn’t able to finish it because of a bug. It’s just a random number. The text of IGN’s review is useful to readers, but if you’re just scanning for scores

Yes, this is yet another sign that review scores are arbitrary and meaningless, but that’s beside the point.

1- Bethesda isn’t making you play through the game fast, your desire to publish fast is to blame for your rush.

How fucking boring that looked. Like christ it’s basically a prettier looking Medal of Honor: Frontline with even less content than earlier titles like CoD 2 and 3.

“I also know there are many people who fly the flag in their yards or have a symbol on their truck and it’s not a racist symbol to them, it’s about their Southern heritage.”

If Microsoft plan on selling the Scorpio at $700, this means it will sell for $950 in Canada. HaHaHaHa... lol! Good luck with that, Microsoft! The PS4 Pro is already a hard sell at $500 (again, Canada). I can’t imagine a new model of Xbox One, priced higher, having any kind of commercial success.

Just gonna drop this here:

I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way

Or be this guy.

Did they add a new objective of reaching the center of the “universe” or was that a screw up on the narrator/writing team and supposed to be galaxy?

Are you literally more mad at Jalopnik than the president who got that veteran killed?

Or Diablo 2 or Diablo or Path of Exile or any of the Divinity games or Warcraft 3 or... that seriously made me cry a little inside. But honestly, how is Warcraft 3 not on this? It provided us with our current MOBA invasion. Planescape Torment not there as well? Command and Conquer? Also, Pillars of Eternity if we’re