
Basically no sexual contact, not even kissing. Among really conservative folks I would be "damaged goods" for having dated before marriage. Insofar as they consider you redeemable depends on whether anyone will believe you if you tell them you never even made out.

Ha! They don't have enough schools for all the children as is. This is a step towards improving female literacy. They lack the resources to build all girl's schools, so to get parents enrolling their kids in the one school the village has they give them assurances that their daughters won't be bothered by the boys.

Yeah. When I saw her say "Adoption isn't a thing in India" I almost spit out my tea! Among the English speaking upper class not only is adoption a thing, it's actually trendy! They do avoid adopting outside their communal background (i.e. preferentially adopting within the language group, religion, caste, etc.) but

Now playing

Call me crazy, but life is too short to not fill every moment with something you enjoy doing if possible.

Apps keep getting bigger. I never really had an issue with storage space either until I tried to download XCom onto my iPad. Damn thing is literally 4GB by itself.

Well, there is a danger of the virus spreading to other species or causing problems up the food-chain. But the elimination of the mosquitoes themselves probably wouldn't. They don't fill much of a worthwhile ecological niche, just drinking blood from animals. They don't fertilize, pollinate, oxygenate, or otherwise

Problem with games like DOTA or Starcraft, though, is that you need both the extremely low sensitivity movements to slick across the screen or pan your view AND the very precise movements to click on individual unit models at the same time. I suppose you can use one trackpad for panning and one for precision clicking,

I liked 1. I adored 2. Brotherhood was good, but I saw the beginnings of its decline in there and the subsequent entries just went whole hog with it.

This thing sounds crazy expensive as it is. We're adding liquid cooling now? Sure, what's another $100 on top of the $1800 sticker price? Ha.

If you already have a Titan how far into the future are you looking before you need to upgrade?

Is there a point though? I feel like I get diminishing returns on prettier graphics fast. It makes a good tech demo, but after you play for a bit your focus gets more on the game itself.

She's not wishing it upon her. She's pointout out to her the ultimate end-point of where the machine is going to take her if she keeps going down that road. I think Sinead knows a thing or two about how the industry works. And seeing plenty of people from Amanda Bynes to Britney Spears to Dave Chappelle have these

Most of the "top" games are just shit from Zynga. Of course they're going to be ad-obstructed nonsense.

Most of the "top" games are just shit from Zynga. Of course they're going to be ad-obstructed nonsense.

For a unit that small my money would be on a GeForce 680M or 680MX at best. Likely far lower. My Macbook Pro can beat those specs and it's a Mac.

The Pepsi challenge is horseshit. When you give someone a shot-glass sized sample of a drink, the average person is going to just prefer whatever was sweetest (or has the strongest apparent flavor). Pepsi has more sugar than Coke, so it wins. It doesn't really speak to what people prefer drinking over the long term.


We're dealing with people whose views of for-profit entities as having all the moral nuance of a Captain Planet villain. Those of us who actually care about corporate social responsibility have a hard enough time trying to foster it when all we have to contend with are short-term profit motive and outsized shareholder

The commercial just said "You should care about where your food comes from." There isn't much holier than thou tone there, and it suggests no such standard. I think you're reading too many of your own insecurities into it.

The singer had a nice voice though.

Chipotle was never owned by McDonald's. McDonald's had an arm that worked as basically a venture capital outfit for new, up and coming restaurant chains. They invested in Chipotle early and provided logistical support and advice to help them expand rapidly. They divested their stake in Chipotle in the mid aughts.