
Not sure when it happened in relation to this story being written, but Domina is no longer for sale on Steam. The link in the article still takes you to the store page, but the game doesn’t show up in the search. It’s even got a “Mostly Negative” recent rating now.

I am a psychologist. He has clear narcissistic tendencies, and this is a classic narcissistic defense. Your profile of him is accurate - he doesn’t think in terms of right/wrong like normal people. He only registers what is a threat to his ego and what is not a threat to his ego. And he lacks the range of personality

Because they are afraid.

I was just going to say, I see Livewire often. Mostly as gas stations. But, yeah, Florida.

That sucks. We have it all over the place here in Florida. Seriously the best MD flavor I can think of.

I too miss Livewire. 


The reason Trump was told he couldn’t (sort of) block people on Twitter is because he has *CHOSEN* to use it as an official channel of communication for the White House. As far as I know, AOC has *NOT* done the same with any social media platform with which she associates -edit for clarity- in a professional capacity,

“The First Amendment does not permit a public official who utilizes a social media account for all manner of official purposes to exclude persons from an otherwise‐open online dialogue because they expressed views with which the official disagrees,”


So they somehow convinced Stephen Miller that tattooing a serial number on their wrists still had bad optics?

He was suspended from his job indefinitely.

Please don’t end up like Hemmerling for Mitchell.

If you’re really unlucky, you’ll get another Subway Series, and get to watch some random Met throw another broken bat at a Yankees pitcher before losing the series again.

They don’t get you with the despair. They get you with the hope. As a Mets fan, you must know this by now.

I’m so confused by this team that I turned the game off in disgust after Santana’s home run. Typical Mets go down 1-2-3 in the bottom half of the inning, but these guys battled back like they’ve been doing for the past month.

I respect police work, and I respected my union for years. But these police union guys are completely nuts, and are doing nothing to help their fellow officers or the union cause. And, this case cost NYC 6 million dollars. Police misconduct across the US costs ALL taxpayers billions of dollars.

“employing verbal commands, physical force, less than lethal force, or lethal force to overcome the resistance”

Resistance. Not threat: resistance.

This guy has just admitted that in his perfect, ideal conception of police work, lethal force is acceptable merely to overcome resistance. Not reserved for when there is a

There’s an old joke that NASA spent millions developing a pen that could write in space, and the Russians used a pencil.

There’s an old joke that NASA spent millions developing a pen that could write in space, and the Russians used a

Someone got after me on the previous “boobie streamers” thread about how “immoral” it was to go after lonely guys by displaying cleavage on a stream.

Two things:

1.) This person was arguing that it was only “logical” that the behavior was immoral.

I know everyone’s sick of me saying this, but I’m trying to frame here: