
I didn’t enter, cause while I’ve made tons of short and sweet levels, I read the rules, and didn’t want to re-upload with “Kotaku” in the title. Then the winning courses don’t have Kotaku in the title, so, whelp.

The problem is one of translation over time - the phrase is meant to state that “The customer” as a group is always right, that your business should look out for the customer base.  It was never intended (as far as I can tell) that each individual customer is right, cause, that’s just crazy talk.

they (Nintendo) literally included this deal in the last update - all retailers should be offering it.

they (Nintendo) literally included this deal in the last update - all retailers should be offering it.

Now playing

is the video sans long delay before start.

I love how Rhodey didn’t carry a grudge. He was the true hero of the film.

The expansion is $15 on the site listed, the game is still $20

The expansion is $15 on the site listed, the game is still $20

I’m almost positive those cards will give you Blizzard/ wallet funds, which you can use on Overwatch lootboxes, or Hearthstone packs, or your WOW subscription, or even Destiny 2 lootboxes......

My biggest gripe, is pretty pedantic, but Stick’s stump. It is VERY obvious it is a prop covering his intact hand.

yeah, based on the lead in, I was expecting a pre mob spawn attempt at a gank

if you watch the video, you see him jumping between computers.

right, but the priest is running two Mind Visions, which gives the priest a random card in the other player's hand - which Cho copies to the other player, so they can make tons of facelesses

With Cho, priest gets the mage spells, and mage gets the priest spells. Both sides were being controlled by the same person - obviously for something like this, it has to be staged

Get a bucket, it'd be more sanitary.

What the others have said - also why it's a university or a useless fact, because the pronunciation starts with a Y.

because...they aren't. For most Korean SC2 however, English language casts use the Korean footage, then cut in to shots of the English Speaking casters (normally Tasteless & Artosis) however it looks like due to the abruptness of the accident, we got to see the Korean broadcast team. If you watch again, the voices

Except - he didn't get the same cards back - his initial hand is normal prep, gold FoK, normal CB and gold GA. After the mulligan, he has a normal prep gold FoK, GOLD CB, and NORMAL GA. At least two cards are different. No idea if his 2nd prep or 2nd FoKs were the same as the first in coloration.

Teachers? Oh, those folks in the schools who makes lives hard for athletes by making them know things. Why would we want more of those?

a good policy to have, I'm about do for my yearly re-watch myself.