
Except - he didn't get the same cards back - his initial hand is normal prep, gold FoK, normal CB and gold GA. After the mulligan, he has a normal prep gold FoK, GOLD CB, and NORMAL GA. At least two cards are different. No idea if his 2nd prep or 2nd FoKs were the same as the first in coloration.

Teachers? Oh, those folks in the schools who makes lives hard for athletes by making them know things. Why would we want more of those?

Still a better costume than the comics version

Don't take this the wrong way - but did anyone proof read this prior to publishing? The amount of typos is....impressive.

a quarter of these were X meets Jerry Lewis, why weren't those three comics all made one entry, and bam, top ten list.

He is however, the only one who's autograph I've managed to obtain.

The end of Babylon 5's Season 5 is surprisingly well regarded considering how most people "hate" season 5. =D

I think the major issue the author is having, is that the agents aren't behaving like Super Heroes. They aren't supers, they're agents of an autonomous organization and abused their authority in this episode.

the fast forward ending - was the Season 4 ending - Season 5's ending was Sheridan's last days

The fifth season of B5 is rather polarizing, I'm not sure that "tacked on" is the right phrase though...

a good policy to have, I'm about do for my yearly re-watch myself.

there are?


I still prefer Diane Duane's Star Trek universe to the cannon one. If you haven't read her TOS books, you really should.

It doesn't. Disability insurance covers living expenses, etc. While it's usually included in one's health insurance, it's not the same thing.

I was there for 5 and a half years - I'm aware : but again, they do get insurance, it's not terrible insurance, despite what your friend may think (at least it wasn't terrible for me) but there was the possibility to have issues with disability insurance, which appears to be the issue this gentleman is facing.

yeah, the article is really misleading in this regard, and makes both Blizzard, and the insurance carriers appear to be at fault, when really, it's just a shitty situation.

please re-read the article.