
The 'beauty of custom roms' is showing us the horrible reality of the platform Google has brought the world. Even Windows is much better than Android in this respect!

Nitpick: Ninja Turtles has always been in NYC.

No, it isn't. See Megatron and Soundwave.

As a puzzle, they're great. As a an action toy it's hard to keep the vehicle mode stuck together. I had one that looked like a Subaru sports car (this is pre-Bay by a couple of years...) that always looked like it had been warped in an accident because it was such a pain to keep it together.

G1 complicated and Bay complicated are not anywhere near equal.

I didn't see the part of the article where the rest of the toys were pulled off the market and replaced with these. Could you point that out for me?

Back in the 00's they made them a lot more complicated. You would have had a much bigger project on your hands.

Sort of. Some of it was to dazzle the audience, some of it was because Michael Bay doesn't understand the mass-shifting abilities of the first gen Transformers was actually part of their abilities and not just a cheat.

Um, no. The original ones had far fewer steps than the ones built today. Without spending too much time you could go from one mode to the other and keep playing. The newer ones take nearly four times as long, making them somewhat brittle. I have a bunch of the 2007 era toys and recently acquired a couple first

I'd really like to know if that's true, it'll make me reconsider which company I use.

You're saying your insurance company will replace your window after you told them you broke it after leaving your keys in the car?

I'd recommend against lying to your insurance company over something like that, especially after posting in public about it.

It is really sad that you'd prefer to think that I was bragging instead of seeing just how silly your approach to the problem was. And this is coming from somebody who appreciates people learning new skills.

I would have learned better habits to prevent me from locking my keys in the car...

A lot of people really don't understand that having a character in a game doesn't mean it's a rehash. Super Mario Galaxy, for example, is not like Super Mario 3D Land. That's why Super Mario 3D Land is not called Super Mario Galaxy 3. Oh well.

Just more proof that the metric system is overrated!

Yes, my phone is my alarm clock. However, I do have DnD on so I don't get any other noise.

.. please stick to the pirates and the frigates that you're used to.

No... I'm talking about the entire paragraph you posted while you're only talking about the first sentence. He didn't, for example, say there weren't tens of millions of Smartphone OS's pre-2006.

No, it isn't. It's a pretty apt description. None of those platforms had a significant market, especially in comparison to how it works now. The numbers easily prove that, no matter what color of glasses you're wearing.