
Those two lycans were the most difficult thing i encounter so far. For comparison i defeated the cleric beast 2nd try. Those lycans killed me maybe 10 times because i couldn't manage to fight 2 at once, i would only kill one then the other would get me. I had to cheese them with the doorway down the the stairs while

I'm really loving this game a ton. The rag doll physics are hilarious. I back tracked through an are and had a dead enemy stuck on a corner wall and for some reason it was still moving. Definitely gave me a bit of a jump scare as i went to attack it lol.

ok, New to this and just started last night... Spent almost 8 hours inand I STILL can't get past the initial mob at the very beginning. Wow. That said, it's all I can think about, I'm up an hour and half early just to give it another shot after a good night's rest. Goddamn this game. I hate it and love it and I've

Rawlings should tell Jerry Jones that as long as Hardy remains on the roster, the Cowboys cannot play a single game in his city.

I, for one, see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act that would increase video surveillance of everything.

He tries to get a word in edgewise around Steve Raible's Tourrette's screaming fits.

I hate to be that guy....but this seems a bit cruel

The honey fetishists would would be made to regret stumbling into The Hundred Acre Wood...

To be fair, a lot of these studios wouldn't have lasted as long as they did without EA propping them up. Maxis' death while sad, was long overdue. EA is also a incredibly large organization, one that for a time bought everything they could get their hands on so some waste and cost cutting is inevitable.

I guess nobody cares, seeing as you have personally moved on.

Grate: Fuck no, he doesn't have what it takes to be me.

Turns out that ol' Billy's message on his bat was for Cal after all.

Well, Tobias Beecher ain't getting any phone calls from his dead kids. Thanks, Schillinger.

Wait, wait, wait, WHAT?! Excited and terrified at the same time.

Sometimes Brian, I just don't get where you are coming from at all.

"Officially committed...ISIS agents everywhere"

Julian Edelman: "Hey, Pete! Wanna run the train on her?

No, not at all. Sorry to "slut shame" but that girl is a disgusting whore. Its one thing to hook up with the guy, he just won the SB, great looking, he's looking to get laid, etc. I don't blame her one bit. Its quite another to take a picture when he's sleeping and post it for the world to see to brag about

This shit is really wrong. Like, revenge porn wrong. Intimate pictures of ANYONE should not be shared without their consent.