Well, technically he’s already done #1. Granted that was before McCain has terminal cancer, but in Trump’s mind that’s probably just another sign of McCain weakness.
Well, technically he’s already done #1. Granted that was before McCain has terminal cancer, but in Trump’s mind that’s probably just another sign of McCain weakness.
Maybe getting a similar or slightly higher spec’d PC costs a gross amount more? Otherwise, if you’re buying an Xbox One X for the Xbox exclusives I’d say you’re better off making/buying a PC. You may end up spending more out of pocket, but you’re getting something that’ll give you more functionality, access to all the…
Did you not see the ass kissing her did in Saudi Arabia this week? Trump will sell out poor white people in favor of rich brown people In a second.
Good try, but you probably should’ve aborted that joke.
If the digital comic on Amazon says “Kindle + Comixology” it’ll work. I’ve done it or plenty of times.
If the digital comic on Amazon says “Kindle + Comixology” it’ll work. I’ve done it or plenty of times.
My cord cutting 15 years ago left me with nothing. I just purchased everything on DVD. I went from $60 - $80 or whatever it was I was paying back then to $0.
The NFL has been so backwards with TV rights, not being able to watch home games because your team didn’t sell out is beyond stupid. The logic must be way over my head. not enough people want to watch the local team in their stadium so instead of trying to grow support by showing then on TV you tell them to fuck off.
I love it. It’ll fit nicely next to my Link on Loftwing statue they released earlier this year.
I’ve just caught up with Archie and Jughead a few weeks ago and both are amazing easily two of my favorite comics right now. Chip is doing amazing things on Jughead and Mark is equally great on Archie.
It’sa shame too. I emailed you a few months ago about this and you gave about the same answer.
Not sure if The Skiver is suppose to be Slash, but Slash did make an appearance in Chrono Trigger along with Flea and Ozzie (Ozzy).
My girlfriend views herself as the best girlfriend in the world, but I think her husband would disagree.
I was hoping her dress was going to flip up, but nip slip was a close second.
Hopefully Blizzard releases a passive aggressive statement like WB did and calls out that they were forced to release it so that we don’t have to listen to some asshole whine over the trailer.
I was telling my girlfriend that as I watched Sony E3 conference. There is a wide margin between him and other presenters like him who are there to shill for products they enjoy and people who are there only to shill for more money.
They released a white MCC bundle, but it looks to be sold out already on Amazon and Best Buy.
They released a white MCC bundle, but it looks to be sold out already on Amazon and Best Buy.
Good thing people weren’t ragging on Sony for remakes in the backwards compatibility post...
It’s far from it a mic drop moment. It’s a cool feature that MS did last gen and dropped after a couple of years, but it’s not an, “OMG, gotta buy an Xbox One” moment. It’s done to make people start buying Xbox Ones because now they can play their old games.
I’m pretty sure everyone is all about remakes. MS did the Halo Collection and they’re doing Gears of War.. This gen Sony themselves has done Last of Us and Uncharted Collection and God of War 3 coming up.
Why the hell does this guy have such a massive hard on for Isiah? I could understand if maybe he had been a decent coach, a good GM or hadn’t cost the guy a few million, but he’s done nothing good for the Knicks. Yet Dolan is so desperate for just a whiff of his balls.