
After watching it a few times I was thinking the same thing. Justin probably thinks he really is that good because his handlers stage stunts like this for his benefit without him knowing.

I have no problems with delays, in fact I welcome them because usually it results in a better game. What I do have a problem with is delays. Stop making dates until you know the product is going to make that date. I understand they want to build excitement using a date, but it's nonsense and it creates more disdain on

That's advice to live by.

No, people hate it because it wasn't made by Rocksteady. Origins is a fun game. I loved it just as much as I did Arkham City, but I prefer Arkham Aslyum.

Go to Everett and all you hear about are the Silvertips. It's unbearable.

Amy Hennig, you are worthy. You are not destroyed. You are reborn. You can redeem, or if you prefer avenge yourself. Others have reanimated the corpse you lived in. Free their souls and let the wheel of fate churn again. Become our soul reaver.

The article doesn't say it isn't testers either. It's probably testers, plus extra people brought on to help finish the game.

I normally don't like the two tone systems, but for this one it actually makes sense. Yoshi's eggs are green and white.

You might be over thinking this, buddy.

That's why you don't give them money. Give them potions, trick them, or refuse. I even managed to get demons to join me when I tried to end conversations with them.

I love, love, love SotN and there is no dialog that is memorable. It wasn't until the last few years when memes and people quoting the same thing over and over again did I start to remember any of the dialog from SotN.

Even Messiahs need to be taken down a peg or two sometimes.

This was on par with my response. At first I was like, "Cool, let's read about it." As I was reading this I thought to myself, "Do I really care about a low cost Android phone that looks like a Windows Phone?" The answer was, "Nope", and stopped reading.

I was actually thinking the same thing. Why not have Native American's come in and teach about the atrocities we committed against them. It's not fair that we're only taught from the white washed version?

I'm itching to play something new on my PS4, even though it comes out the same day as Castlevania LoS 2, and because I love stealth games.I'm still waiting for reviews though. Hopefully it'll score well enough to warrant a purchase next week.

If you want the video I link below you'll get a better idea of the 3 play styles for the game. You can play as a Ghost, Opportunist or Predator. So don't worry, if you don't want to crouch in the shadows and attack with a blackjack you don't have to.

I would've liked to have seen a new Bioshock in a futuristic city setting. Think of something in the vein of Blade Runner.

Well Beats were originally created and manufactured by Monster, so that should speak volumes about them.

Lame that's its on the Wii U. I don't care though. I just bought at GBA SP and started rebuilding my collection. I'm also planning on getting a Retron 5 and I'll be able to play GBA games on there too.

I watch unboxing videos here and there for various reasons. Mostly to get an idea of what people think of included statues and if certain editions have DLC on disc or a voucher. I really wish people would attempt to make a semi-professional video when they do. I've come across some professional looking ones and a lot