
And that's ok. We're the Mariners. We still won't be hitting the playoffs any time and and if/when we do we'll be out in the first round.

That's what I'm wondering too.

I love Ridge Racer. I played the hell out of both PSP. Bought the 3Ds one at launch and still play it here and there. Didn't spend much time with the Vita version since it was lacking in tracks, but it looked super nice and played liked the past portable Ridge Racer games.

Maybe you're not old enough to remember, or maybe you are and you're just forgetting, but the changes from the Xbox/PS2 to 360/PS3, were about as large then as they for PS3/360 to PS4/X1. This isn't PS1/N64 to PS2/GameCube where the differences were night and day.

I agree. I yearn for the days of the ban hammer.

As much as I loved Shenmue, I think the cliffhanger at the end of LoK: Soul Reaver bigger and shocking.

2 of the PS1 face buttons are X and O. X and O are also used in the popular game Tic Tac Toe. On a TI graphing calculator Tic Tac Toe is 1k in size and it would take 768,000 games at 1k in size to fill up an entire PS1 game disc. That's 768,000 games on 1 disc or 97 times the amount of actual PS1 game titles released

Microsoft has released 3 consoles and Sony has released 4. I agree it's PR fluff, press releases typically are, but I don't think you can really crap on the amount of system launches a company has done.

I agree. Gamers need to realize that stuff fails. It happens and is expected electronic devices to cars and to kitchen appliances. No manufacturing line is 100% free of defects. Failures like this and what happened to the PS3 and the YLoD and PS4 last week are normal. The 360 RRoD fiasco is a massive exception though.

Nintendo can't make everyone happy. That's why for the most part developers should, and do, ignore what customers have to say. You can't please everyone and if you try you'll often fail.

The review at Polygon hits on the repetition a little more and killed my enthusiasm for the game. You can replay levels, but you have to pay credits. If you don't have enough credits you can play the free credit level over and over until you get enough, or buy them with microtransactions. That doesn't sound fun at

I had high hopes for this too as I love the Panzer Dragoon series. I've really considered buying an Xbox One at launch just for this game. Now I'll go back to waiting until Halo 5 to buy one.

The creators of Crimson Dragon had previously said that the controls were based on Child of Eden. While I preferred to play Child of Eden with a controller and not the Kinect the controls weren't bad and should've been able to translate to Crimson Dragon. I wonder what went wrong.

Thanks for the other article, but I was kidding with my comment. I think the article here and previous news on the games has been pretty clear how the games are separate and connected.

I haven't heard anything yet. Kotaku needs to have an interview with Hideo Kojima so that he can explain the two pieces of the game.

Instead of a plastic skateboard maybe we'll get a plastic gun and they'll turn CoD into a light gun game. That would be sweet.

Don't let common sense get in the way of a good flame war.

I'm guessing since the video is titled as "Official Version!" That whatever was previously available wasn't official.

I've used Gamefly before, but I've never really loved it. Gaming isn't something I can plan out. One night I'm in the mood for Batman the next it's Assassin's Creed. With a rental store they can satisfy my needs like a mail order rental company can't.